Beach AU(?)

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(I think that's what it's called? That's what the comment said. Oh, and this was requested by @yummy_pi.

I put a small bit of TamTori in here too, because yeah. So I guess this is an AU where the male and female versions live on the same earth or something.)

Tom huffed as he followed behind his friends, holding a towel under his arm. Edd decided they should go to the beach since everyone was sitting around the house. It was summer, so Tom was excited at first; he didn't like staying in that sweaty and heated house with everyone trying to not die of heat exhaustion. But, once they got there, he didn't like it. He wasn't one for having fun, plus Tord decided to tag along. So he had to deal with a shirtless commie.
The four friends found a part of the beach that didn't have anyone relaxing on it, so they set up everything. Tom put the towels down, Matt tried his best to open an umbrella without the wind blowing it inside out, and Edd was trying to chase Tord down to give him sunscreen.

After a few minutes, everyone was situated. Matt dragged Edd out to the shoreline to try and swim against the currents, while Tom decided to try and sleep on his towel, under the umbrella. After a few times of trying, he gave up, losing to the sand getting into his mouth and his hair. He looked over to see what Tord was doing and his eyes went white for a moment.
Tord was a few feet away, talking to three girls that had showed up. He seemed to almost flirt with them, or that's what he was guessing that was going on. One of them, the brunette, was just laughing everything off, it seemed. A ginger girl next to her just kept looking flattered. The third girl, another brunette, just looked pissed. Tom got up and started to walk over to them. What the hell was this burning feeling in his stomach that made him so mad?
After a second of thinking, he concluded that he was being jealous. Yeah, he liked Tord, but he never wanted to admit he was in love with his enemy. Tom was about to go tell Tord to leave the girls alone, when the commie started talking to the brunette with her hair tied up. Tom noticed her eyes were like his, black voids. She still looked pretty pissed at him. Well, that is, until a fourth girl walked up, looking extremely mad. She had horns in her brown hair, like Tord did, and she screamed at him for a moment before Tord retreated. The horn haired girl sat next to the black eyed girl and the two smiled at eachother. Tord slowly was walking towards Tom.

"What the hell were you doing?" Tom asked, crossing his arms.
"Trying to flirt. But that black eyed chick's girlfriend showed up, looking mad." Tord replied before walking over to his towel and sitting down. Tom sat next to him. "You look mad. Did Edd and Matt ditch you?"
"No." Tom replied simply. Tord thought for a moment before chuckling.
"Are you... jealous?" Tord asked. Tom blushed and looked away.
"Why the hell would I be?!"
"Aw, Tommy's jealous."
"Shut up." Tom growled. Tord chuckled and kissed his cheek quickly, making Tom blush more and bury his face into his hands. Tord laughed and blushed a bit.


"Ey, look over there." Tori pointed over to two guys sitting on towels a few feet away from them. One of them was blushing while the other seemed to be laughing. "Isn't that the douche that flirted with you?"
"Yeah. Guess he was trying to his boyfriend jealous or something." Tamara replied, chuckling softly.
"Looks like it worked, to me."

(Idk why I did the bonus. I was bored and I wanted to work on how I write about Tori and Tamara a bit.)

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