Random Drabble

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(Based off of the post above. Because I have writer's block and want to be productive.)

"So.... what happened again?" Edd asked Tord as he handed the norski an ice pack. The man in red took it and placed it on his head.


Tord was cuddling his boyfriend, Tom, on the couch in the house's living room. The norski had his arm wrapped around the Brit's shoulders, while Tom had his head leaned on the other's shoulder. The two were completely relaxed, until Tom tensed up and sneezed loudly, covering his nose with his hoodie sleeve as he sat up normally and Tord's arm left his shoulders.

The simple words 'bless you' registered in Tord's mind, but it didn't seem to come out right.
"Shut the fuck up." Before Tord would understand what he just said, Tom threw a nearby bottle at Tord's head and left.

~Flashback over~

"How the fuck do you accidentally say 'shut the fuck up''?" Edd asked his friend, confused. Tord just shrugged.

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