Demon!Tord x Angel!Tom

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(Requested by @icantthinkofaname246.

Sorry for any mistakes and if it's bad, I had to time crunch this one as well as the last one.
And oh geez I'm sorry for not updating for a while again. I've just been stressed with finals but hEY ITS ALMOST SUMMER VACATION FOR ME NOW. High school sucks balls. Also, I've been putting this update off because.... eh, Eddsworld is just not my main fandom anymore. I've fully switched my attention to the Slenderverse fandom. I still love thisnseries, though, and I don't want to disappoint all of you readers, so I'll continue writing shots for you all. I just love all of you guys and all of your support, I can't leave this book behind.)

    Tom sat on the edge of a cliff, legs dangling off of the side of it. He sighed softly to himself, wondering where the other male was. He has been waiting for him for over, at least, an hour, and still no sign of the male dressed in red. He just silently waited, eventually pulling his knees into his chest and hugging them tightly, now curled into a ball. He heard the soft sound of footsteps on the grass behind him, then, and looked around, sighing in relief once his head turned around and looked over his own shoulder.
Behind Tom stood a male a bit taller than him in black jeans and a slightly ripped up red hoodie. His eyes were red instead of the silver atom had always known him for, yet his caramel colored hair still spiked in two horns in front of his head, now accompanied by two, small, red horns poking out of his messy hair. His pupils were now slits instead of a normal human's circle pupils and a bright red tail dragged on the ground behind his feet wherever he walked. Tom knew that he had two red dragon-like wings attached to his back, as well, but he seemed to keep them tucked in. Tom moved over at the sight of the demon, patting the ground next to him. Tord seemed to smile a bit and walked over to him, sitting down. Tom's own wings untucked a bit, revealing two wings covered in fluffy white and very light blue down-like feathers. They accompanied a glowing, floating blue halo above his head hat had been there for a while now. Tord took a moment to study his wings before looking at Tom's black eyes; though, he had gotten used to them long since then.

A moment of silence passed the two before Tord decided to break it.
"Thomas." He said rather quietly to the angel next to him. "If we stay out here for too long, someone is bound to catch us."
"I doubt that." Tom replied softly, leaning his head against Tord's shoulder and closing his eyes. "No one comes to the mortal plane from heaven or hell. Let's just stay here a bit longer; I barely see you anymore." Tord sighed and just nodded, looking off into the distance as one of his wings unfurled and wrapped around Tom tightly.

Tord and Tom had known each other for a long time, actually. Even in their normal human lives they were 'friends'. Though, that term could be used very lightly for them, due to them acting like enemies throughout most of their childhood and adolescence. Even if they were always around each other and lived in the same house, they couldn't stop arguing and fighting each other. Their friends that lived with them, Matt and Edd, absolutely hated it and found it annoying. After a while of living together, Tord decided to try and join the army. When he got the job, he lied to his friends and told them that he was going off to chase his dreams in London before leaving in his car and driving off for eight years. During those years, he became greedy at the thought of being smart enough and strong enough to take over the entire world. He quite the army, threatening other soldiers to join his new army, which he called the Red Army.
While staying there as the quote-on-quote 'Red Leader', Tord had remembered an old project he had worked on while staying with Edd, Matt, and Tom. Somehow, he had built a giant robot under the house and even made himself a nifty little lab accessed with a switch hidden in a wall nearby. His greed had taken him over at this point, and he decided to retrace this master weaponry and show that he couldn't be trusted at the same time. So, he asked his main pilot in the army, Pat, to fly him back to England, since they were stationed in Norway. Pat agreed and Tord went back to his old house, where he found that Tom, Edd, and Matt had still lived there and had changed a few things about the place. A lot of Tom being pissed and Edd and Matt trusting Tord above nothing else later, and Tord was trying to fly away in his hand crafted giant red robot away from the destroyed house of his friends.

While flying, he didn't realize that his murder attempt with a missile at Tom had failed, and the next thing he knew, he could hear a faint voice sounding like Tom yell from below and a harpoon shoved it way through the creaking, and, now, sparking metal, of the robot. It had barely missed Tord's chest, which scared him enough, but he knew the harpoon had hit the motor thanks to the burning smell. All he could do was mutter a small 'uh oh' before flinching as the components he had spent years on building exploded around him, taking his life as metal and shrapnel buried heir way into his skin and his organs ruptured at the immense pressure.
    Meanwhile, on the ground, Tom was trying to push his way out of the rubble to help Matt. Edd has gotten buried under some of the rubble and the ginger was trying to dig him out. Tom knew his arm was probably shattered, or at least broken, but he helped anyways. Once they got the leader out of the rubble, surprisingly, without barely any scratches on him, Tom sighed in relief. He started to stumble to the curve before he heard Edd screech a 'Tom! Watch out'. He looked up and his black eyes turned white as he saw a large metal chunk of Tord's robot falling towards him. He went to run out of the way, but was way too late as his spine, organs, and the rest of his bones were instantly crushed under the metal.

   Despite having killed each other, Tord and Tom became closer than before at all. Maybe they felt pity for each other, or maybe they felt bad for taking each other's lives without fully knowing it. As teenagers, the two were close anyways. It was the only times they seemed like actual friends in their lives, and Tord had to admit that he had always had a crush on Tom. He just found the Brit cute, how he pushed away feelings and just seemed like he needed someone to hug all the time. Tord was just blinded by greed and rage at Tom when he tried to kill him the first time the day they both lost their lives. Tom seemed to hate Tord in every way, shape, and form, making Tord surprised when Tom said that he loved him dearly and had always had a thing for him.

   Even if angels and demons we're allowed to be friends, close accomplishes, and especially not lovers, Tord and Tom made it work somehow.
   They would always come back to the hill where most of the debris from Tord's robot had fallen, including his mangled body, and sit down, leaning against each other in mostly silence. Thats all they needed.

(Sorry that it wasn't really shippy- fuck-
Also if you're wondering why I wrote what happened to Tord in a bit more than Tom, it's because of this: my friends and I once wanted to start a theory series like GameTheory on YouTube and I decided my first video would be an Eddsworld one. So I legit spent a week writing a script and researching how a large engine (I used a helicopter engine but a bigger engine would have the same, if not worse, effects on a human body than that) exploding would effect a human inside of the flying vehicle. So that was actually what I found out would have happened to him. Poor Tord-

But yeah. I'm gonna open requests again in a few days, I have one other shot to write for my SV shot book and then it'll be open.)

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