Warrior Cats Part 2

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(I had to do a part two. I love this AU so much dang it.)

It was the middle of leafbare; the air was frigid, snow covered the whole forest in white, and pray was scarcely found. Somehow, though, most of the cats in the clan were healthy, albeit a little bit starved. The medicine cat was working day and night to keep the clan's cats alive, to which some warriors even helped them.
Scorchflame was nuzzled against a bush in the elder's den, trying to stay away from the snowstorm that was making things harder and harder to see. He didn't mind the snow, thanks to his thick ginger pelt, but it was still uncomfortable to him. He was waiting for Kinkgaze to get back from a patrol, hoping to snuggle up with the Russian blue cat. The two decided that, since they both loved eachother, that they would be mates, even if they were both tomcats.

After a few minutes of waiting, he heard the familiar sound of pawsteps running back into the clearing outside. Scorchflame's ears perked up at the sound and he got onto his three working legs before limping out of the den and into the clearing. He saw Greenpelt and Gingerpetal running towards the leader's den with shocked looks on their faces, to which confused Scorchflame greatly. He then noticed his lover was no where to be seen, which made his confusion melt away into extreme worry. He raced over to the leader's den as fast as he could, just as Gingerpetal and Greenpelt exited with the leader cat trailing behind him.

   "Greenpelt?! What's going on? Where's Kinkgaze?" Scorchflame stopped the deputy who looked at him with a worried expression.
   "Look, he went to go mark the border and got lost in the snowstorm. Gingerpetal and I couldn't find him." Greenpelt explained, making Scorchflame's eye twitch. How dare these cats, who were supposed to make sure the half-blind cat could navigate in the snowstorm, loose sight of him? This made the ginger tom furious, so much so that he ran out of the camp as fast as he could, not even paying any mind that he was missing a paw. He heard Greenpelt call after him, but he payed no mind as he ran off into the snowstorm, looking for the lost cat.

   "Kinkgaze?! Where in Starclan's name are you?!" Scorchflame called out, slowing down to a trot to catch his breath. He had ran around the borders for countless hours already and still found no sign of his lover. The wind was blowing harder now and the snow fell faster, making things had to see and smell. The ginger tom eventually just stopped running and looked around, starting to lose hope. He slowly limped over to a snow covered tree and lay under it, curling up into a tight ball. He didn't even know the way back to the camp.
   "Great.... I'm going to freeze to death out here.... Kinkgaze probably already did...." Scorchflame muttered under his breath and buried his face into his fur, trying to block out the cold. He shivered slightly and curled up tighter, wondering how long it would take until he would black out and his pelt would be turned to stars.

   After a few minutes of just laying there, his fur turning to ice, he heard something stepping through the thick layers of snow. Scorchflame squeezed his eyes shut, guessing it was a dog or fox that had lost its way, but strangely, the scent didn't tell that. It was muffled by the snow, but it was comforting to Scorchflame, like he had smelt it a million times before. The tomcat opened his one good eye and looked up to see a familiar shape running toward him through the snow. He struggled to get up as the creature got closer to him, showing to be the cat he was looking for all this time.

   "Kinkgaze! I- am I dead?!"
   "No, you aren't. But if you stay out here any longer, you might as well be." Kinkgaze nuzzled into Scorchflame's fur for a few moments.
   "Where were you?! I've been looking for you."
    "I've been wandering around the territory, looking for the camp." Scorchflame nodded and wrapped his tail around Kinkgaze's back as another strong wind blew towards them.
   "We need to get back to camp."
   "Yeah. I think I found the way." Kinkgaze started leading Scorchflame back to the camp, hoping he was heading in the correct direction.

   His nose hasn't failed him, surprisingly, as they reached the walled off camp not even five minutes later. The winds were less brutal in the clearing, and the two instantly collapsed onto the floor, their fur white with snow and stuck up like a porcupine thanks to the ice and winds. Greenpelt noticed the two come in and instantly ran over to check on them.
   "Are you two ok?! Do you need the medicine cat?!"
   "No, were fine." Scorchflame responded.
   "Just tired." Kinkgaze followed up. Greenpelt let out a sigh of relief before nodding. Scorchflame and Kinkgaze both stood up and walked over to the entrance to the elder's den before licking the ice off of eachother's pelts.

   "Please try to stay next to the other cats you are patrolling with next time. You almost gave me a heart attack."
   "I'll try." Kinkgaze responded and swiped his tongue over Scorchflame's ear, making the taller cat chuckle and lick his cheek.


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