Biker Boy

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(I know I said I have writer's block. I was just riding on my father's motorcycle and got inspired.

Also, this is based off of the pic above.)

  "Wait, wait, wait.... that's yours?!"
  "Yep!" Tord grinned at his boyfriend, Tom, as he got off of his bright red and black motorcycle. Tom instantly ran over over to him and looked the at bike's controls.
  "Shit?" Tord finished his lover's sentence and the two chuckled.
  "Yeah.... that." Tom smiled and placed a hand on the backseat. Tord cocked an eyebrow.
   "I'm guessing you want a ride?"
   "Can I?!" Tom grinned like a young child. Tord chuckled and kissed his cheek.
  "Anything for you, kjaerlighet." Tom chuckled again and hopped on the back.

   Tom couldn't help but smile as the 60 mile per hour winds ran through his hair, his arms wrapped around Tord's waist. It felt weird to him that he did this action, as Tord was the one to usually do that to him, but he didn't even register the feeling. All he cared about was the open stretch of road ahead of them and that he was with Tord, the love of his life.
   Speaking of the norski, Tom had placed his chin on Tord's shoulder and cuddled into the nape of his neck, earning a soft grin from Tord as he sped the bike up slightly. He could almost hear Tom say something, but it was near impossible to make out what he said with the wind blowing his devil horned hair around.

   After a few hours of just riding around, Tord stopped the vehicle in front of their house again and got off, putting the kickstand up. Tom got up as well and fixed his hair into the normal spikes it formed. Tord fixed his hair as well and smiled at Tom, who smiled back.
   "That was awesome." Tom stated and Tord nodded, sitting on the side of the sidewalk. Tom sat next to him and leaned his head on Tord's shoulder. In turn, the norski draped his arm over his shoulders and pulled him close.
   "Can I call you 'my biker boy' now?"
   "Yeah, whatever, Tordsie."

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