Alcohol and Sketches

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(Requested by @eyeswideope164.
Again, what are even titles-

This is a WTFuture AU, by the way.)

Tom and Tord hated eachother, it seemed. Same old, same old. They really don't hate eachother and act like it, all the nonsense. This is a TomTord shot, what did you expect?
Anyways, Tord ran the Red Army. He got his friends to join with him, and that included Tom. The Brit was a bodyguard for the Red Leader himself and stayed quiet. To hide his crush for Tord, he drank like he did before he joined the army. He became more of an alcoholic and drank more Smirnoff than he ever did, mixed in with stronger alcoholic beverages.

This made Tord worry. He didn't want a solider of his drinking so much, it could easily kill him. Plus, he cared about Tom. So, he ordered the Brit to not drink anymore. Too bad, Tom still drank. So, one night, to stop him, he made Tom sleep in his room. Once Tom was in the room and pissed off due to no alcohol being around him, Tord told him he had to go finish up his shift and that he'll be back in a bit. The norski left, leaving the blinded Brit alone in his room. Out of boredom, Tom looked around the room and explored.
After a moment, he did find something. A sketch book on Tord's writing desk, covered in paperwork. He cleared the papers and picked it up, a confused look on his face as he skimmed through the pages. Tord had drawn a whole bunch of things: comics, sketchs of his base and his symbol, and characters from cartoons he used to watch. But, a few caught Tom's digital eyes more than anything.

The norski has drawn him a few times. Granted, it was in a cartoonish style and simplified, but still. It was him. A few drawings of him when they were just friends, dated after the time of him leaving the gang for Norway, and one dated a month ago when Tom first got eye cancer and gained his goggles from Tord's top scientist.
When he looked at the one drawn a month ago, he found a small note written at the bottom of the page. He skimmed over the words quickly, but understood the basics of the message. It was Tord, talking about how he loved Tom and how Tom hated him, supposedly. He even said he didn't want Tom to hate him and that he made the Brit his bodyguard to maybe make their bond stronger and less stressed. Tom blushed softly and put the book down, hearing footsteps down the hall. He gulped and dashed back to Tord's bed, slipped off his goggles after turning them off, and got under the blankets, closing his eyes and hoping he looked asleep. He even made soft snoring sounds to throw Tord off once he heard the door open.

Tord walked into the room, sighing softly. He looked at his bed and saw Tom, falling for his trick and thinking he was asleep. Tord chuckled and walked in, closed the door, and walked to the bed. He sat down on the bed, but, before he had down, he leaned over and kissed the top of Tom's head. Tom forced down a blush from that and pretended to shift a bit in his 'sleep'. Tord chuckled again, his own cheeks pink, as he laid down and whispered a goodnight to Tom before turning the lamp by his bed off and closing his eyes, falling asleep.

Meanwhile, Tom's black, unseeing eyes opened and stared into the darkness of the room, even if it was always black for him without his goggles. The Brit blushed and pressed his back against the snoring norski's, reminding himself to talk to Tord in the morning and tell him that he didn't hate him.

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