Killer Chase

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(Requested by @oliver_2p_kirkland. Thanks for the request!)

   "THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT-" Tord wheezed loudly as he ran down the street, the cool autumn wind smacking him in the face. He fumbled with his hoodie, trying to pull it up, but stopped once he noticed that it was slowing him down. The shorter male behind him struggled to catch up with Tord, eventually passing him when he slowed down. Tord growled at that and ran ahead of him again.
   "I DONT GOTTA OUTRUN THE KILLER, I JUST GOTTA OUTRUN YOU." Tord screeched. Tom growled and matched his pace almost, barely behind him.
   "I SHOILD HAVE BROUGHT MY GOD DAMN GUNS, I COULD HAVE SHOT THIS BITCH BY NOW!" Tord screamed as he kept running. They were panicking and shouting this stuff for a reason: Edd and Matt had brought them outside for a walk at 9:00 pm and had mysteriously disappeared halfway through. After a few moments of Tom and Tord waiting for their friends to come back, Tom suggested that they go back. Suddenly, a masked man case through the bushes and started to chase the two with a knife, scaring the absolute shit out of the commie and the Jehovah's Witness. Sine it was a simple walk, they didn't bring their phones, and Tord wasn't allowed to bring his guns. So, they were defenseless.
   As the two ran, Tord ducked into a nearby small woodland and Tom followed, not caring that branches were smacking him in the face. Since it was dark, he couldn't see a tree root had sprung out of the round in front of him and his foot got caught on it. With a scream, he fell face first into the dirt. Tord gulped and stopped, ran back, helped Tom up, and ran besides him. Though, the two were loosing stamina, and quickly. Tom collapsed from exhaustion and Tord dragged him into a small cluster of trees, collapsing behind him and panting for breath.

   Tom suddenly hugged Tord tightly and whimpered into his hoodie as they heard the footsteps get closer to them. Tord wrapped his arms protectively around Tom due to instincts, but couldn't help but shake in pure fear.
   "I guess this is the end..." Tord muttered. "Thomas, if we really die tonight, I hope that you know that I've always hated you."
   "I hate you, too." Tom muttered, shaking as well. The two looked over to where they had come in from and saw the masked killer standing there. The two stayed quiet, Tord's eyes wide and Tom's eyes white as they waited for the guy to attack.

   Tord suddenly flinched when he heard the killer laugh, then stopped. He had heard that laugh before, and it wasn't sinister. He looked up at the killer, who took his skull mask off, revealing a face that Tord had learned to hate.
   "TODD?! What the fuck?!" The norski cursed at his opposite, who laughed and pushed his glasses up.
   "Edd and Matt hired me to scare you two." The Canadian shrugged and laughed. He pointed over to a cluster of bushes, which Edd and Matt were climbing out of, giggling to each other. Tord glared at his old friends.
   "You assholes!" He growled. Edd and Matt kept giggling, Todd joining in as he walked up to Tom. He 'stabbed' the Brit with the knife, making Tom screech, until he noticed it was just plastic, making Todd laugh even more.
   Tord pulled Tom closer to his side, growling and grumbling curses at the three other males before trudging out of the woodland, flipping Edd, Matt, and Todd off. He started heading home with Tom clinging to his side, still shaking a bit.

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