Mpreg!Tom part 3

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(Finally got this out, since people voted for it. I know I said I wasn't gonna update but I wanted to.)

   Tom tiredly rolled over on whatever surface he was on and groggily opened one eye, frowning at the fact that his vision stayed completely black. Weird, he thought. He could feel his sight goggles on his head. Maybe they weren't turned on? He reached his hand up as he rolled back onto his back from his side and fumbled with the side of his goggles for a moment before he found the switch. He turned it on and, with a click sound, his goggles sprang to life, giving him the ability to see out the room. He blinked a few times, adjusting his vision, and looked around the room he was in. Last thing he remembered was him laying in his bed with his husband, Tord, asleep besides him, when he woke up with a sharp pain in his lower back. Why couldn't he remember anything after that?
From the looks and sounds of the place, he could tell he was in the medical bay of the Red Army base, which looked exactly like a hospital. He shifted on the uncomfortable bed and tried to get up, squeaking as he instantly sat back down, his lower back being sore as all hell. He groaned and lates back, closing his eyes and trying to think. Wait a second. He shot one eye open and looked down, confused even more when he saw his stomach was flat instead of blown up with the twins he was going to have with Tord. He thought for a moment and pieced the puzzle together. Right when he attempted to get up again, the door to his room opened and there stood his husband, Tord, in a quickly thrown on hoodie and baggy jeans, and he looked tired like he had stayed up all night. He smiled a bit at Tom and walked up to him, closing the door behind him. The Brit looked at him and then out of the window, swing gray clouds going away in the sky of Norway.

"Uh... Tordsie..? What exactly happened?" Tom looked at Tord again, wanting him to confirm his idea. Tord let out a tired chuckle.
"You don't remember? At all?"
"No... barely..."
"Probably because the medic put you on painkillers or something." Tord shook his head and stood besides Tom's medical bed. The Brit shifted and sat up, waiting for Tord to go on. "Well, last night, you woke up because of a pain you were complaining about and because of the storm that came over the base. I took you here and you were put on pain killers to calm you down from the pain and your panic because of the storm." Tord chuckled as Tom huffed. The Brit hated how he was scared of thunderstorms. "Anyways..." Tord trailed off for a moment. "A few hours later you had our two little twins. A boy and a girl." He smiled. Tom smiled back and nodded, happy that he put the pieces together correctly.
   "Can I see them?" Tom asked after that. Tord nodded and perked up.
   "Of course. Hold up." With that, the norski turned and left the room. Tom waited patiently, leaning back in his bed as little bits of memories came back to him from the previous night. He remembered that he had passed out after everything, and he had no idea how long he had been out cold.

   After a few minutes of Tom patiently waiting, he looked over to the door as it opened up slowly and quietly, Tord stepping in again with two bundles in his arms. He closed the door again slowly, trying to be quiet, and walked up to Tom's bedside again, handing him the two bundles. The Brit took hem in his arms and smiled softly at the two babies he held, one in a blue blanket and one in a red one. Tord chuckled and stood besides him, looking at the two as well. Tom looked up at his husband.
"Did you... name them?"
"Huh?" Tord asked, seeming to have snapped out of the world. He looked at Tom. "Oh, yeah, I did. Sorry."
"It's ok." Tom shrugged and looked back at the twins. "What did you name them?"
"Well... I uh... wanted them to be 'unique'," he paused to put air quotes around the name, "so, I named the boy Tick and the girl Tac." He grinned nervously at Tom, who looked at him weirdly.
"You suck at names." He finally stayed with a playful grin. Tord puffed a cheek out and rolled his eyes.
"I know I am, shush."
"But, I like them..." Tom smiled normally again. "Tick and Tac..." he muttered the names, testing them out. He nodded, approving of the two names given, and Tord smiled again.

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