Scribble Tord x Scribble Tom

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(Requested by CrazyPastelStars.
Slight angst warning?

I'll be calling them by their nicknames. Scribble Tord's is Scrawl, Sribble Tom's is Scribbs. And, yes, I will be writing Scribbs's lines LiKe ThIs.)

    "HeY, sCrAwL?" Scribbs suddenly asked. His friend looked at him, a confused look on his half shaded in face. He looked down at his hands for a second before looking at Scribbs.
'What?' Scrawl signed out carefully. Due to something going wrong when he was being created, he wasn't made with vocal cords, making him mute. But, at least he and Sribbs learned sign language so he could talk like that.
Scribbs looked away a bit before looking back at Scrawl. The shaded reject looked right back at him, slightly worried. His friend never seemed this serious. Ever.
   "WhAt If I jUsT gOt ErAsEd?" Scribbs asked. Scrawl continued to look at him, confused, until sudden realization hit him.
   'Wait... you don't mean...' Scrawl signed out. Scribbs just nodded. Well, damn. That was something new. Scribbs wasn't a dark person and now, all of a sudden, he was talking about death. '... why?'
   "WeLl.... I wAs JuSt ThInKiNg... I mEaN, nO oNe WoUlD mIsS mE, rIgHt?" Scribbs asked. Scrawl gulped and stood up, since he was sitting in the white void's floor. He hugged his friend tightly for a few seconds before pulling back.
    'I would miss you! Everyone would! You're the most peppy guy here, this place would be a despair hole without you.' Scrawl signed. 'But, seriously, why would you even think of that?'
    "WeLl, YoUvE bEeN kInD oF sAd LaTeLy WhEn YoU tRy To TaLk. I kNoW tHaTs My fAuLt, SiNcE i WaS tHe OnE wHo ASkEd ToRm AnD ToMaTtOrEdD tO mAkE yOu FrOm ThAt ClOnE mAcHiNe..." Scribbs said, looking away again. Scrawl seemed to sigh, even if no sound escaped.
    'Scribbs...' he signed after the reject clone looked at him, 'that's not your fault. You were lonely, so what? I don't care that I can't talk, I just keep trying sometimes. Maybe I can get Torm to make me a device that makes me talk or something. But I'm happy I'm here. Because I have you!' He signed with a grin. Scribbs smiled a bit and hugged him again. Scrawl instantly hugged him back, nuzzling into his sketched out jacket.
    "ThAnKs." Scribbs chirped suddenly. Scrawl smiled and tried to say 'you're welcome', but didn't make a single squeak. But, this time, he didn't really care.

(Sorry if it was bad! I'm new to writing these two.)

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