Gym Class

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(I didn't know what else to title this exactly?
Requested by @justasmalltrashcan.
Prompt was a high school AU with Tom and Tord in PE/gym class. And they're doing a wrestling unit. That's all I was given. So uh. Thanks might turn a bit sexual. Not much. Not a lime or anything, but just awkward.)

    Tord smirked and pulled his thin PE uniform shirt down a bit. He was in his senior year of high school and feared by a lot of people, mostly for the time he spent in the weight room now, already trying to get a bit buff, because he always wanted to go into the army. It was near the end of the school year, and he planned to move into a house with his friends after high school, since none of them wanted to go to college. Anyways, not the point. He was in PE class, if you didn't notice, and they were starting a new unit, the last one of the year, that day. Wrestling. Tord knew he would get an easy A in the class, since he could break anyone's spine there.

Eventually, the teacher split the guys up into groups of two to face off against each other. The school had horrible funding, so they were only given a thin mat to lay down on the laminated wooden floor of the gym. Tord actually got one of his 'friend's, Tom. Truly, the two hated each other, but Tord had a thing for Tom. He found him pretty cute; how he thought he could do anything despite being as skinny as a twig and being weak, and just how cute he was. He also liked his tsundere attitudes that gave him a chase no matter what he did. Tord liked the chase.
Of course, when they were actually supposed to face off, Tord got Tom down easily. Tom was screaming curses as Tord sat on his back, twisting Tom's arm behind his back, but making sure he didn't hurt him to much. The second round was the exact same. Tord sat on Tom's stomach this time, pinning him to the ground. Tord laughed at the Brit, who was clearly pissed as hell and determined to win.

On the third round, Tord decided to try and give Tom a chance. He didn't know he small Brit was ready this time and he let his guard down too much, making Tom win the round. Tom sat on his hips, pinning Tord's wrists above his head. Tord grinned suddenly, realizing the position they were in was pretty sexual.
"Ya know, Thomas, I didn't know you wanted to ride m-" he was cut off by Tom slapping him and getting off of him, his cheeks burning red.
"Shut the fuck up, commie." He hissed. Tord laughed and sat up, looking at he blushing Brit with a lazy grin on his face and his cheek dusted pink. Maybe that chase was paying off for Tord finally.

(I don't know, I'm tired-)

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