Don't Know What to Call This AU

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(Requested by Cat1bhere. Basically, this AU is that Tom is the son of an anti-gay pastor, so he has to keep his love for Tord a secret.)

   Forbidden love. I guess you could call it that. Tom was from a highly religious household, with a father, who was a pastor, the only person taking care of him and his younger brother, Tim. Tord, on the other hand, lived on his lonesome while his brother lived farther away from him; all the way back in Norway. The two went to the same high school and had the same friends, so they were pretty close.
    Why was it forbidden? Well, like I said, Tom was raised in a household that was highly against homosexuals. Yet, Tom found himself attracted to guys. Especially Tord. And Tord loved him back. One day, Tom finally confessed his feelings to the taller male outside of school, to which Tord gladly returned, and the two stared dating. In secret, of course. During school hours, the two would act like normal friends. But they would hold each others hands under the lunch tables, walk home together after school, and steal kisses from eachother in the locker rooms when no one was around.

   Tom was worried. Worried that his father would find out and force him to go to a different school and stop talking to Tord. Worried that he would be hated. Tord hated to see Tom so stressed, so he came up with an idea.
   "Tommy, let's run away!" Tord had said one day as the two sat on the stairs outside of their high school.
  "What?! Are you out of your mind?!" Tom almost screamed at Tord.
   "No, I'm serious. I love you, and you love me. If your father doesn't like that, then let's run away."
   "What about Edd and Matt? And Tim?"
   "We'll stay in town and still go to this school, you'll just live in my apartment." Tord explained. "And Tim will be fine. It's not like your father is abusive, is he?"
   "No. I'm just sayin..." Tom trailed off, thinking about it. Tord smiled and stood up, grabbing Tom's hand and pulling him onto his feet.
   "Come on. We can go get your stuff and you can go to my apartment. If your father sees ya, I'll be there to protect ya." Tord replied and winked at his smaller boyfriend, who chuckled gently.

Tom quickly dashed up his house's stairs to his bedroom and slammed the door shut, Tord standing on guard outside. He grabbed a suitcase from under his bed and started shoving his possessions into it. When he was finished, he ripped the cap off of a pen with his teeth and grabbed a piece of paper, writing a quick note to his brother, telling him where he was going and that he was going to be safe. He left his phone number at the bottom of it for his brother to call him and taped it to the desk, grabbing the bag, and walking out of the room. Tord gave him a calm smile.
"Ready to go?"
"Yeah..." Tom kissed Tord's cheek and the two bolted towards the door, running out to Tord's car before the engine started and the two drove off, to Tord's apartment.

(It was bad, I know... I'm sorry, it's pretty early in he morning for me and I have no ideas really.


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