Teacher!Tom x Tord

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(A whole new spin on the teacher crush AU. Also, there around the same age in this. Tord is in his senior year of highschool, so he's 18, and Tom is about 22. Requested by @nErd_AleRt01070.

Also, I just realized we hit 52k reads! Thank you so much!)

   Tord smiled softly as he walked into his classroom. It was Monday, so he would usually be hating his life, but he wasn't. Why? He was going to English class, aka, his class he had his favorite teacher. Professor Spaventa. His first name was Thomas, or Tom, but he had to call him by his last name during class. Tord hummed a bit as he sat down in his seat. Tom looked up from his desk and looked right at him, since he was in the front of the class.
   "Hello, Tord." He said. Tord grinned at him.
   "Hello." He chirped and leaned back in his seat.

Tord didn't really pay attention too much during that class, ever. Mostly for two reasons. One, because he was actually good at the vocabulary and writing assignments he got and didn't need to be taught anything else. Two, because he couldn't stop staring at his teacher. He found Tom extremely cute, for some reason. He was shorter than the senior himself, but only by a few inches. Tord liked how his eyes were pitch black, like the night sky on a cloudy night, and how his brown hair spiked up in a way that almost defied gravity. He also liked his attitude. He was snarky and got pissed if a student wasn't, at least, pretending to pay attention, which was what Tord did. But, to the good students, he was extremely nice. He barely smiled, but when he did, it was small and melted Tord's heart.
Like any other day, Tord wasn't paying attention to the actual lesson. He just followed Tom around the room through his lecture with his eyes. He could have sworn there were hearts in them, even if he couldn't see what they actually looked like. He just watched Tom, chuckling to himself at how cute he looked.
"Tord? Is there something funny?" Tom snapped suddenly, almost scaring Tord. Guess he heard his chuckle. Tord is the kind of guy who gives zero fucks, though, so he might as well say it.
"Not at all." He grinned. "I just think your walk is cute." He purred. Everyone in the class started muttering to eachother after that. Tom glared at Tord, his cheeks a bit pink.
"Stay after class. I need to talk to you." He growled. Tord nodded and leaned back in his seat, mentally fist bumping the air. He didn't care if he was late to lunch, he got to spent time with Tom.

   Eventually, the bell rang, and everyone got up to leave the classroom. Tord grabbed his backpack and, as he students left, he strode up to Tom's desk like he was the smoothest person on Earth. He leaned against it, his elbow on the desk, as Tom walked over to him.
   "What did you need?" Tord asked, a soft purr in his voice. Tom huffed.
   "You should stop calling me 'cute' in class. That's your fifth time this month." Tom growled. Tord puffed his cheek out.
    "What if I don't want to?" He asked, grinning again. Tom's eyes narrowed again.
    "Why do you even try to embarrass me? What the hell is your goal?" Tom snapped. Tord stood up straight.
    "I'm not trying to 'embarrass' you. You ask me what I find funny or why I'm staring, and I tell you the truth. You're cute in my eyes." Tord stated and crossed his arms, blushing. Tom just glared at him, his own cheeks turning bright red by the second. Tord rolled his eyes and just left the classroom, not wanting to talk again.

At the end of school, Tord was walking to his locker by himself, since his friends had to go home pretty quickly. He decided to just stay a bit longer before biking home, since he didn't have a car yet. He reached his locker and opened it up, smiling softly at how neat he made everything. He was about to start unloading his bag when he spotted a piece of folded paper sitting on top of his textbooks. He looked at it, confused, before grabbing it and unfolding it. His eyes scanned over the words, his cheeks heating up.

All it said was 'I think you're cute, too' and Tom's signature at the bottom with a few hearts.

(Yeah... that was bad... sorry)

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