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(Geez so when I asked you guys, a lot of you agreed with me that I should make this a thing.

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR STICKING WITH ME THROUGH 100 CHAPTERS! I LOVE ALL OF YOU DAMN IT! And, seriously, we hit 7.1k reads. I can't thank you enough I swear.

So, I wanted to break the ice and do something new. Here it is!

Keep in mind I've only written this topic once before.

And no. Tom isn't transgender or anything. I applied internet rules to him or whatever. Or maybe I could use the monster excuse.)

Tom took a deep breath. Standing outside of his husband's office door. His hands were kept behind his back, holding something tightly in them. He took one away and knocked on the iron door of the army base office, waiting for his husband to open the door or say 'come in' if it was unlocked.
"Who is it?" He heard the familiar Norwegian accent of his lover call from inside the office.
"Tord, it's me." Tom mumbled. A few seconds of silenec passed before the door opened for him. He walked in as the automatic door closed behind him, almost making him jump. His husband, Tord Audet, walked over to him from behind his desk, a grin plastered on his scarred face and a cigar between his teeth. He put the cigar out as he passed an ashtray and opened his arms as he walked over to his shorter husband, hugging him tightly.

"Tommy! There you are!" He chirped happily. Tom smiled softly, but didn't hug him back. Tord pulled away, a confused look on his face. "Thomas? Is something wrong? You look serious." Tord muttered. Tom nodded, straitening his back out and fixing the goggles that allowed him to see on his face.
   "Well, yes, sir. I need to tell you something extremely important."
   "You don't have to call me 'sir'." Tord huffed. "You're my husband. I've told you a thousand times, you can call me Tord here." Tom nodded.
"Sorry, Tordsie. Just the thing I have to tell you is... serious. To say the least. Life changing at most." Tom explained with a gulp. Tord looked at him, confused.
"What is it? Can you suddenly see without your goggles? Do you want to quit the army?" He asked listing out possibilities. Tom just shook his head at them. "Is it... something bad?"
"Not exactly." Tom smiled softly. Tord nodded.
"So it's something good... just tell me already." Tord said with a smile. Tom nodded a bit and put the hand that he was hide behind in back or in front of him, showing Tord what he was holding.

Tord looked at the weird white object, confused. He thought it was a thermometer at first, but when he looked at the 'screen' of it, he knew what it was. His heart skipped a beat. It was a positive pregnancy test. He looked at his husband, who was smiling softly.
   "... huh?" Was all that he could muster, just looking down at Tom. The Brit's smile faded a bit.
   ".... I'm pregnant." He mumbled. Tord stared at the wall ahead of him for a moment. Tom was about to just leave the office before Tord smiled widely and hugged him, picking him off of the ground. Tom made a confused squeak sound as he was almost squeezed.

"Thomas! I can't believe it! Please tell me this isn't a joke!" Tord said. Tom noted that he had barely ever heard the norksi this happy before.
"I'm not." He chuckled as he was put down. Tord wrapped his arms protectively around Tom's waist, pulled him closer, and slammed heir lips together in a soft kiss. Tom kissed him back until he pulled away, purring. Tord hugged Tom again, and the Brit hugged back instantly.

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