It Really Is The End, Isnt It? (Part 1)

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(Back to the feels because I don't know what else to write and I've been wanting to make this shot for a while.

Also, in my version of the timeline, this does happen. So, in my version, it's cannon.)

   Tord Audet was known as the infamous Red Leader. He was a strong and powerful military leader with the goal of taking over the world. Many people thought he was a cold, heartless killer that didn't have any soul. But the opposite was true. To his army, Tord was a nice leader who had fair laws. To his friends, Edd and Matt, he was a guy who joked around and shared memories with them. To his family, he was a protective and lovable guy.
    His family was small, but Tord put them above anyone else. It consisted of his son, Tick, an adventurous little guy who acted like his father, his daughter, Tac, a sweet, almost shy, and quiet girl, and his husband, Tom. Tord loved Tom to death, even if they were enemies before and seemed to want to kill the other. Now, they were extremely close and, as Edd and Matt put it, one of the cutest couples in the base.

No one knows that love can last forever. Eventually, it will die off, or go down with one of the two. The latter is what happened to Tom and Tord.

Tord was the Red Leader, so he had to be called into battle with his army. He was a skilled soldier and had great aim, so he wasn't usually scared on the battlefield. He took the time to act as if he was at target practice. No one was really scared that he would get injured, exactly for Tom, who was just always worried for Tord.
One day, Tord was leading his soldiers against his enemy army, the Blue Army. The battle was going good, and Tord was just laughing whenever he shot someone down. The Red Leader was having a fun time winning the battle.

Tord had bolted forwards into the crowd, skidding to a hault on the ground behind a bush to reload. He smirked as he got his gun in proper working order and took a moment to catch his breath before standing up again and running into open ground. That was his mistake.
"Sir, get behind something! More troops are coming in!" Tord heard his right hand soldier, Paul, bark at him, but he didn't listen.
"Aw, come on! This is fun!" He screamed as he held his gun up and sprayed gunfire across the enemy line. He started running towards Paul, since he was sitting to his right, while shooting and laughing.
Right when he was about to dive for cover, he felt a sting of pain in his side and he fell down onto his face before blacking out.

   Tom had his hands tied around his back, his teeth gritted, and his eyes narrowed behind the goggles that helped him to see. He paced back and forth in front of the hospital room, keeping his head down and trying to calm himself down. Tord had survived so many gunshots before, he could survive this one, right?

   The last thing he remembered was being in Tord's office, waiting for his husband's return from the battlefield, when Paul and Pat ran in, panicking. Tom had asked them what was wrong and they just escorted him to the medical wing of the Red Army base, explaining only when they got there. Tord had gotten shot on the battlefield and the wound didn't look so good. It left his right lung torn and there was, apparently, a small survival chance. But Tom told himself that the small chance was strong for Tord and that the leader would make it through. 
   Tom was snapped out of his thoughts at the door opening and a doctor stepping out. He stopped in his tracks and looked at him, as the doctor quickly saluted him. He was basically a second leader to the place, so he was very well respected.
    "How is Red Leader?" Tom asked, his heart beat picking up as the doctor looked away.
   "Do you... want me to tell you the truth?"
   "Of course!" Tom snapped, the icons on his goggles turning red.
    "He's... he's not good. At all." The doctor stated and moved out of the way as Tom rushed forward into the room. The door shut behind him, so he guessed the doctor wanted them to have a private conversation.
    Tom stopped at the edge of Tord's bed, looking down at him. He forced back tears as he looked at Tord; he was paler than normal and his breathing was slow. Yet, the army leader opened his good eye and looked at him, letting out a dry chuckle.

"Hey, Tommy."
"Hey...." Tom replied and pushed up his goggles a bit to wipe away a few tears. Tord gave him a pitiful look.
"I'm sorry I have to leave you... I don't want to... but I guess I have no choice." Tord stated. Tom wiped away more tears and just took his goggles off this time, not caring if the world around him was black. He felt Tord's hand grab his and he gripped it.

"Tom..? Can you... take on some messages for me..?" Tord asked. Tom nodded and rubbed his eyes.
"Yeah... anything."
"Tell Edd and Matt they were the closest friends I've ever had... and I thank them for everything. Tell Paul and Pat that I'm happy they stayed by my side for this long..." Tord started. "And... Tom... tell Tick and Tac I love them. They're too young to understand why I'm gone, but please... take care of them. And the army for me." Tom nodded.
"Of course."
"I love you to death, you know that, right? Ever since I saw you I knew something was special about you. We've been through everything together, and sure, our road was rough to begin with... but I liked how it smoothed out at the end. I love you, Thomas."
"I love you, too, Tord." Tom said sadly, more tears slipping down his face.
"I'm sorry for everything I've done bad to you...."
"Same here..." Tom commented. Tord let out a raspy chuckle.
"You'll be fine without me... I won't fully leave you... I'll still be by your side every step of the way." Tord said and tried to sit up, but fell back down. Tom moved closer to him. Tord smiled and pulled Tom down to plant his lips onto his. Tom instantly kissed back, tears slipping out of his eyes.

When he pulled back, the heart monitor let out a long beep that echoed throughout the room and Tord seemed to stop breathing and moving. Tom sat back into a chair near him and started crying his eyes out into his sleeves.

(I'll probably do a part two for this.)

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