Tomsworld AU

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(Requested by @smolreeses.

Prepare for the extreme fluff, because that's all I can think of right now.)

      Tord sat on his bed, his back pressed up against the wall. Sure, it was early-as-fuck-o' clock, but he couldn't sleep for some reason. He had no idea why. So, he just stayed near his window, using the moonlight to look at himself in one of his red mirrors he carried around.
     He chuckled a bit to himself as he finished fixing up his devil horned hair, putting the object down at his bedside table. He was about to lay down and try to lay asleep again, before he heard his door creak open a bit. He instantly looked over to his door, confused as to who was there. But, the moonlight filling his room from the full moon outside made it easy to see.

    There stood his best friend, Tom. He had his head poked into the doorway, only identifiable from his brown spiked up hair, because he had his black eyes contacts out. Only Tord really knew that he didn't have black eyes, since he was the only one to see Tom with normal blue eyes.
    "What do you need?" Tord asked, keeping his voice down a bit as to not wake up the other two guys in the house. Tom walked into the room fully.
"I uh... can't sleep."
"Same." Tord replied simply with a shrug. Tom chuckled a bit.
"Well, then, I guess we feel eachother's pain." Tom said and sat down on Tord's bed. The norski smiled and moved up to sit next to him.
"So, if you can't sleep, why are you here?" Tord asked. Tom blushed and looked away for a second.
    "Uh... I was wondering... if I could... sleep with you?" Tom asked softly. Tord's eyes lit up a bit and he nodded. This better not be a dream.
    "Yeah, sure." Tord had to force himself from screaming that. He had always liked Tom, way more than a best friend. He just never truely showed it, as everyone does to their crushes.

The two sat there in silence for a few seconds after Tord agreed. The norski instantly froze up and moved over to the wall again, giving Tom room to lay down. Tom let out a soft giggle and laid down before Tord laid next to him. They stayed away from eachother for the most part, facing away from each other on their sides.
"Uh... goodnight?" Tord said suddenly. He heard Tom shift a bit, but stayed silent. The norski looked over his shoulder a bit to see Tom had shifted to face him. His face heated up and he rolled over onto his other side, looking right into Tom's eyes. The two stayed there for a few moments, just staring into each other's eyes. Well, until Tom moved closer to Tord and wrapped his arms around the taller male. Tord's face turned bright red, but he wrapped his arms around Tom as well.

The two were tense at first, but, slowly, Tom relaxed, soft snores coming from him. Tord couldn't help but chuckle at him, since he was pretty cute. Surprisingly, for the first time that night, Tord started to slowly fall asleep, relaxed in Tom's arms.

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