Nuclear Winter AU

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(How about more angst since there are not complete requests rn. I mean, I'm getting them, but no one is giving me a prompt when I ask for it because that's required, if you forgot.

Anyways, like I said, aNGST! I found out this AU existed because of a person over on my AU book suggesting it. I've spend the past hour or so as I type this looking at the tumblr and reading the endings. And I've been crYING BECAUSE THERE IS SOOOO MUCH DEATH-
For those of you who don't know the AU, I suggest you go look it up! It's a very well thought out one and it's personally one of my favorites. If you know the comics, you know the bad ending and this is just a re-write of it with Edd and Tord's places switched.
If not, you don't need to look it up to know this shot! Just get ready to cry-

Let's hope I can show that I'm still an angst queen-)

   Tord shook his head to clear it, staring out of the foggy cabin window. He had lost track of time of how long this apocalypse had been happening. Days? Months? Years? He didn't know anymore, and he didn't care anymore. Everything was going downhill anyways. He had left his army to Paul and Pat, decided to help his friends survive over anything. Hey, at least he had grown to love Tom instead of hate him; they had even been dating for the past week or so.
  But, now, everything was looking down instead of up.

  If Tord's predictions were right, winter had passed. Yet there was still snow outside on the ground and the air was freezing cold, as well as radiation still being very present in the air, which wasn't s good sign at all. His army was supposed to stop that. If they had gone this far without doing something, they were probably all dead or couldn't come up with anything. To top that off, his friends weren't doing so well either.
   Edd was now a nervous wreak, scared something horrible would happen and claiming he felt like something would, indeed, go down, he just didn't know what. Matt tried to be the comic relief and stay positive, but even he was starting to look emotionally drained. And Tom, the love of Tord's life, was getting weaker and weaker by the day. He had a horrible sickness thanks to the radiation that he had gotten ever since the apocalypse started. At first, it seemed like a reverse cold. He felt burning hot when his body temperature was at freezing, and he stayed mostly in bed. Recently, he could barely even speak or do anything, let alone sit up or walk around. Tord has stayed mostly by his bedside the whole time, scared something would happen if he left Tom alone. But, he Brit had fallen asleep, so he had decided to wait in the living room for him to wake up. Another bad thing: Matt had gone out to look for medicine to help Tom at nearby camps or towns, expected to be gone for a high amount of two days.
   He had been gone for four.

  Now, the house was tense. Nothing seemed comfortable or right anymore. To Tord, it was no longer home, but a prison cell. The morality snapped out of his thoughts as Edd walked in, fixing the goggles that sat on the top of his head.
   "Hey, Tord?" He asked slowly, his voice low with worry. Tord shifted a bit and looked at him.
   "Yeah? What do ya need?" Tord got up from his seat, turning his head to the side in confusion. Edd rubbed his arm up and down, looking away.
  "Can you go check on Tom? Please?" He asked, muttering a very soft 'He is your boyfriend...' Tord nodded a bit, wondering why he was so shooken up. Edd looked at him again to see the confusion on his face. "I just... have a bad feeling right now. And I'm too scared to look." He muttered, almost like he knew Tord's question without him asking. Tord nodded and walked down the hall to Tom's room, knocking on the door when he had gotten to it.

"Thomas? You awake?" He asked, pressing his ear against the door to hear. Nothing. He sighed and guessed his love was still asleep. He opened the door and walked into the room, smiling softly when he saw Tom curled up on his side, seemingly sleeping. He walked up to Tom's bedside and gently shook his arm.
"Tommy, baby, wake up. Come on, Edd was wondering about you." He shook his lover again. No response. Tord raised a brow, guessing this was another of Tom's tricks. He leaned over him and kissed his cheek, smiling at first. "Tommyyy..." He cooed and kissed his cheek again, shocked a bit. Why was his cheek so cold? He took his mittens off, putting them on the table, and put his hand to Tom's cheek, shivering. He turned him over. "Baby? Are you heating up and turning cold? Like how you are hot when you're cold?" He asked, shocked at the no response gotten. He shook Tom again, hard this time.

"Come on, Thomas, wake up. This isn't funny." He flipped the other around to his back. He gulped and grabbed his arm, putting to fingers to his wrist, his eyes widening. He tried to put his fingers against the Brit's neck. Both times came up as nothing being felt. Not a single pulse taken. He panicked, his heart speeding up, as he leaned over and put his ear against Tom's chest, listening for any type of heartbeat. Nothing. Tord jolted up to standing up normally and covered his mouth as he looked down at his boyfriend.
   "No.... Nonononono come on, Tom, come on... don't die on me... come on, I said I would find you a cure, wake the fuck up damn it!" Tord dropped his arms by this point, shaking Tom furiously. He eventually stopped, tears falling out of his eyes as he sank to the floor. "I failed you... I failed, I failed, I failed! I couldn't save you in time! Oh, Thomas.." he sat on the floor now, balling his eyes out into his jacket sleeves. Edd heard his cries for Tom to come back and ran into the room, his eyes wide when he spotted Tord crying on the floor. The norski never cries.

  "Tord?! What's wrong with Tom?!" Edd panicked, running over to his friend and kneeling besides him. Tord curled into a tight ball and cried.
   "I failed, Edd! He's gone! The sickness fucking got to him because I didn't get the cure done and Matt hasn't come back and probably never will!" Tord basically screamed, crying loudly. Edd looked at Tom's body on the bed and bit back tears. He helped the norski stand and walked him away, trying not to cry with the torn apart Tord.
   "It's all my fault... my love... my Tommy.. he's gone... my fault... my fucking FAULT!" Tord kept mumbling until he screamed, shoving Edd away and running out of the front door, tears streaming down his face.
   "Tord, no! You'll die out there!" Edd ran after him, instantly being knocked back by the wind picking up and starting a snow storm, turning the whole area around him foggy. He looked around for his friend, getting up. He called out Tord's name, but the norski didn't respond.
  He had ran away without caring if he was going to die or not.

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