Band AU

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(So.... Tear In My Heart won by a long shot on the last thing, so I gotta make a one shot on it. I hope it's not too bad, I haven't written a songfic in a year or two

If this is bad, just tell me (be brutally honest with me for once) and I'll delete it and retry.

If you don't know about the band AU, Tom, Edd, Tord, and Matt made a band in high school and started making concerts and preforming in Edd's garage. Eventually, Tord moved away to go find a bigger gig, failed, and then met Paul and Pat, who were rising band stars. They decided to make a band together, and thus, the Red Army is their band. Edd's band is called Eddsworld. I'm not joking.

Anyways, onto the oneshot!)

Tord took a deep breath in and out, cracking his knuckles. He hated the slight nervousness he got before going on stage: it had stayed with him through high school. He remembered the song's lyrics in his head, running trough them one last time, and took a drink from his water bottle.
"You ready?" Paul asked, gripping his drumsticks. Tord nodded and grabbed a headset with a microphone on it, his heart pounding. He had tried so many times to sing a song on a concert to get the one he loved to notice, but he always messed it up and made it about a girl when, in fact, his crush was a male. Now, his band got a gig at the concert ten walking minutes down the street from his former friend's house. Maybe they would hear him, or see him on the tv. He took another deep breath, trying to calm his heart down and ran up onto the stage, fixing he microphone a little ways from his mouth. He walked up to the front of the stage and smiled, waving at the crowd of fans as Paul and Pat got their instruments ready.

"Hello there, everyone!" Tord exclaimed, his accent coming out strongly. "Now, before I start this one song concert, I wanted to say that... well... this song is for a special someone in my life. You see, when I used to be in his band, I never got the chance to tell him my feelings. Hopefully, he'll be able to know now." Tord smiled, his heart picking up speed so the he could hear it in his ears. "So, this one goes out to Thomas Spaventa!" He shouted into the microphone and threw a hand behind him to tell his guitarist and drummer to start the beat. He tapped his foot against the the ground four times before the guitar and drum started up behind him.

"Sometimes you gotta bleed to know
That you're alive and have a soul
But it takes someone to come around
To show you how" Tord started out singing, closing his eyes and smiling.
"He's the tear in my heart
I'm alive
He's the tear in my heart
I'm on fire
He's the tear in my heart
Take me higher
Than I've ever been!"

Tord paused for a moment and snapped his fingers to the rhythm, readjusting his microphone.
"The songs on the radio are ok
But my taste in music is your face!" Tord paused again to laugh, not believing he said that line normally.
"And it takes a song to come around
To show you how
He's the tear in my heart
I'm alive
He's the tear in my heart
I'm on fire
He's the tear in my heart
Take me higher
Than I've ever been
Than I've ever been" Tord continued to repeat the line two more times.

Meanwhile, a few blocks away, Edd sat in front of the tv in his garage, his eyes widening once the performance started.
"Tom! Get your ass in here!" The teenager yelled, caring his friend to run in and almost fall onto his face.
"Tord's preforming!"
"So? What? You know I hate him."
"He just dedicated a song to you- a love song!" Tom looked at his friend weirdly before walking over to him and staring at the screen, hearing Tord playing one of his favorite songs, Tear In My Heart.
"He said at the beginning at it was for you." Edd commented, while Tom listened to Tord change a few lyrics. He blushed gently and looked at Edd.
"Where is your keys?" He asked, remembering the place where Tord's band was preforming was a few minutes away.
"Uh, over there." Edd pointed over to the key rack beside the garage door. "Why?"
"No time to explain." Tom replied and took his keys, bolting out the door as Matt walked past him. "I'll be back with your car later, Edd!"
"What was that all about?" Matt asked Edd, who only shrugged.

"You fell asleep in my car I drove the whole time
But that's okay I'll just avoid the holes so you sleep fine.
I'm driving here I sit
Cursing my government
For not using my taxes to fill holes with more cement." Tord made a mock annoyed face at the crowd as he sang, laughing once he stopped.
"You fell asleep in my car I drove the whole time
But that's ok I'll just avoid the holes so you sleep fine
I'm driving here I sit
Cursing my government
For not using my taxes to fill holes with more cement." Tord heard his two friend behind him sing with him for a moment before Pat played the guitar on his own.

Tom stepped on the acceleration, not really caring if he broke the pedal or not. He just needed to get to Tord's concert- and fast. He raced down the short streets to the mall where Tord was holding it and got out. Thankfully, the guards weren't paying attention, so he jumped the gate and dashed through the crowd, the concert music booming around him.

"Sometimes you gotta bleed to know, oh, oh
That your alive and have a soul, oh, oh
But it takes someone to come around
To show you how
He's the tear in my heart!
I'm alive!" Tord sang loudly, pouring his heart and soul into the words. He threw his left hand up, causing the effect people backstage to fire off a combination of red sparks.
"He's the tear in my heart!
I'm one fire!" Tord threw up his right hand, making blue sparks come out of the cannons backstage.
"He's the tear in my heart!
Take me higher
Than I've ever been!" Tord threw up both of his hands, making purple sparks come out this time, from the middle.
"My heart is my armor!
He's the tear in my heart!
He's a carver!
He's a butcher with a smile!
Cut me further
Than I've ever been!" Tord opened his eyes again, seeing a familiar figure making his way from the back of the crowd to the front. He blushed and kneeled onto one knee, to reach the crowd as he repeated the last line three more times. Tom reached the front and smiled gently at Tord, who grinned back, putting his hand out. Tom grabbed it and he was yanked onto stage. The lights behind Tord dimmed and the guitar and drum faded into nothingness. Tord moved his microphone down so that it wasn't in front of his mouth and pulled Tom close to his chest.
"My heart is my armor
You're the tear in my heart" Tord sang softly, only singing to Tom, who blushed more and smiled.
"You're a carver
You're a butcher with a smile
Cut me further
Than I've ever been..." Tord's voice faded as he kissed Tom. The smaller Brit instantly kissed back and Tord pulled away after a few seconds. The crowd around them screamed and Tord chuckled, turning off his microphone so that they wouldn't hear what he had to say to Tom.
"I know you hate me for leaving you all, but I love you." Tord whispered to Tom, who chuckled, wrapping his arms around Tord's neck.
"I love you too."

(I'm sorry if there are any mistakes. I'll go through this tomorrow if I have time.)

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