More angst

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(I feel like writing something sad. Also, for those of you who are old school fans of my stories, does The Alliance ring any bell? It should, it was the first story I ever wrote on this ship.

I wanted to make an alternate ending to it. If you haven't read the story, it would mean a lot to me if you did. It's my most proudest work I've done on here.

Anyways, if you have read the story, then enjoy the shot! This takes place on the final battlefield scene in the ending chapter.)

Tom huffed, gripping his gun. He had just noticed that Todd's army's side was deminishing in numbers and that the army leader himself stood in the middle of the chaos, his eyes narrowed behind his cracked glasses. He ran behind a rock when Tom and Tord's soldiers had started firing at him. The Brit grinned and looked around, but didn't spot the Red Leader anywhere. Weird. Wasn't he next to him a minute or two ago? He shrugged it off and got up, leaving his gun and running across the battlefield to Todd's side.

He reached the side swiftly, sneaking around the rock and giving a signal to the Blue and Red Army combined behind him to cease their fire. He raised a pistol that sat on his utility belt. He cocked and raised it, walking slowly around the boulder.
"You better give up... wait... what?" Tom asked himself as he reached behind the boulder. No one sat there, even if Todd hid behind it. He was about to look around and search for the infamous Crimson Leader, when he heard a click behind him.
"Drop your gun." A voice filled Tom's ears and his instantly dropped his pistol to his feet before someone kicked it away. Tom gulped, his heart picking up. Where was Tord when you need him? He looked out of the corner of his eyes to see Todd holding his own gun to the back of Tom's head.
"Get on your knees." Todd growled. Tom nodded slowly and slumped to the round, listening to his enemy. Todd walked around him, never taking the gun off of Tom's head. The Brit looked up at him.
"What the hell do you want... why are you doing this..." Tom asked, almost weakly, at the enemy leader. Todd didn't respond. He just looked around, seeing that most of the soldiers on the other side had guns raised to him. He smirked. It would be worth it. He stopped at a familiar leader laying on the ground, gripping his good shoulder in pain.
It was Tord, who was shot in the shoulder by Todd himself. He would survive it, that was what the Crimson leader wanted. To make Tord suffer the same way he did after, what everyone called, 'the incident'.

Todd looked back at Tom, who had his head down. He had his gun's opening right on top of the Blue Leader's skull. Surely, the bullet he had loaded in there at this short point of a range, would kill the leader. He looked at Tord, only to see the norski looking at him with a pleading eye, since the other was covered by an eyepatch. Todd smirked one last time before pulling the trigger and a loud bang echoed through the area.

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