Capture and Rescue (part 2)

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(This was requested by Crazyskye5567 but the idea was given to me by @puppyfire10.)

   Tord sighed in relief as him and his boyfriend got into their apartment. He collapsed against the door and Tom was laying down in front of him, slowly changing back to human. He was starting to shrink and his skin was getting patchy. Tord chuckled a bit and fell onto his back, scooting across the floor to Tom before he hugging him.
   "God damn it, I missed you. I was so worried." Tord mumbled. Tom whimpered a bit and Tord felt Tom lick him like a dog. Tord chuckled and playfully pushed Tom. "You nerd!" He exclaimed. Tom stood up and yipped happily. Tord sat up a bit and smiled, seeing that Tom was continuing to shrink. His tail was shrinking and his muzzle was going back into his face, along with his horns becoming small. In barely any time, Tom was completely back to his human form, his clothes ripped up. The Brit almost fell over and Tord caught him, holding him close to his chest.
"I guess changing back really tires you out, huh?"
"Not... really... I just suddenly feel tired." Tom yawned and leaned against Tord's heat. The norski guessed it was because of being in that cage and rubbed his boyfriend's shoulder.
"Alright, min kjærlighet. You should just sleep, then." Tord purred. Tom nodded a bit and closed his black eyes, starting to snore softly. Tord chuckled, picking him up bridal style, and carrying him to their bedroom down the hallway. He put Tom on the bed gently before taking off his jeans and hoodie and climbing in bed with his smaller boyfriend. He wrapped his arms around Tom before slowly falling asleep.

    A few days later, Tord was starting to worry about Tom again. He was always falling asleep, acting like he hadn't slept for a full month, and he was complaining about his bones aching. Of course, these were side effects from being a monster, but Tord designed the serum to only make him hurt for less than 24 hours, no matter how long he stayed as a monster. So, he decided to test Tom's blood and see what was going wrong. Since Tord was a scientist, he brought around some of his lab equipment with him, even when he wasn't at his army's base. So, he got a small blood sample from Tom and ran it through a small tester he had on his computer. Yeah, he knew this way around high tech. He should, considering his robotic arm.
   Anyways, when the test results came back, he scrolled through the contents of Tom's blood, skipping over the serum ingredients and normal parts to his blood. But he reached the bottom and his eyes widened. Tom, who was sleeping besides him, jumped awake when he heard Tord screech.
   "HELVETE!" He exclaimed. Tom rolled over, his eyes white.
   "What?! What is it?!" 
   Tord looked at the list of minerals and looked at Tom with his mouth hanging open.
   "You aren't supposed to EVER have acid in your blood." Tord replied. Tom looked at him confused. "I've tested your blood before. That's probably why your bones are hurting! You have a VERY high concentration of acid in you."
   "Why haven't I melted yet then?!" Tom started to freak out.
   "It's not working like this! This acid is working as a poison." Tord explained before he closed his laptop and got up. Tom curled into a ball.
   "Am I going to die?!" Tom asked. Tord went silent for a moment, thinking. He couldn't live without Tom. He had to find a way to fix him.
   "Wait a second..." Tord decided not to answer Tom's question, not wanting him to freak out more. "If you were fine before that kidnapping... maybe the people running the circus out it in you. And they will probably have a cure."

Tord growled under his breath as he saw the two owners of the circus talking in the tent. They were probably talking about how Tom escaped, since they looked agitated at eachother. Tom lagged behind Tord, still pretty weak.
"Tommy, stay out here." Tord ordered. "I'll be right back.
"Tordsie, wait-" Tom tried to object, but Tord was already gone, booking it behind one of the crates closer to the two owners. Yep. They were talking about Tom.

"Who the hell could he have gotten out?!" One of them exclaimed. Tord couldn't help but feel like he heard his voice before.
"I don't know, sir." The other spoke up. Again, Tord felt like he heard their voices before, but he couldn't place his finger on who they were. "I just found his cage opened and his collar on the ground, cut open by a laser, it seemed."
"Well, it was YOUR job to make sure he was being watched at all times!" The main one exclaimed again. "You don't ever think, Larry!" Tord's good, silver eye widened a bit. Oh yeah, he remembered now. These two were the idiots who clones him and his friends back when he originally lived with them. He reached into his hoodie pocket and pulled a pistol out of god knows where before jumping out from behind the crate and pointing the pistol at the two.
"Hey, asswipes! We need to fucking talk."

In almost no time at all, Tord had the two guys tied to a pole. The main one, Tord remembered his name was Bing, was tying to get out of the rope binding him to the pole. The other one, Larry, just sat there.
"Alright, idiots. Now, I have a proposition. I have a boyfriend who can change into a black and purple monster-" Tord was cut off.
"If you're looking for him, we don't know where he is." Larry stated, nonchalantly. Tord narrowed his eyes and hit him in the back of the head with the end of his gun. "Ow!"
"Hey, no one hits my assistant other than me!" Bing growled. Tord just pointed his gun at him, making the brunette shut up.
"I found him. I already broke him out. But, I see that you two put acid in his blood that is poinsoning him. WHERE IS THE FUCKING ANTIDOTE?" Tord growled.
"Like we would tell you!" Bing stated. Tord's eye twitched and it changed to bright red, like blood. He crouched besides Bing and grabbed the front of his shirt. He grinned widely, showing his natural fangs.
"Oh, I'm going to have fun killing you." Tord said and cocked the gun back, putting it to Bing's head. The evil mastermind gulped and shoot a bit.
"Alright, alright! Just don't shoot him." Larry suddenly said, looking at Tord. The norski put his gun down and looked at the blonde. "It's in that back room." Larry gestured with his head towards a different room of the tent. "It's a blue liquid in a test tube." He explained. Tord nodded.
"If you're lying to me, I'm going to kill one of you." Tord said without any emotion and walked over to the room. He poked around once he was inside and grabbed a small test tube full of blue, glowing liquid. He smiled and walked back out, near the front. "Hey, Tommy!" Tom poked his head around he corner, seeking to be sitting down. He got up and stumbled in.
"What..?" Tord felt bad, his boyfriend looked terrible. Tord took out a strange from his pocket, sucked up the blue liquid, and grabbed Tom's arm before injecting the needle and pushing the liquid in. He then pulled it out and put it back into his pocket.
"Is that better?" Tord asked. Tom nodded and he stood up straight, smiling.
"Was that the antidote?"
"Yeah. And I guess it instantly starts working." Tord smiled and walked back over to Bing and Larry. "Alright, you two. I'm going to untie you. But if you EVER mess with me and my friends again, I will destroy you." Tord said with a grin. Tom chuckled a bit.
"Tordsie, stop." He said, recognizing the two as well. Tord untied the knot he had made in the rope and the two stood up. Tord grabbed Tom's hand and walked out of the tent.

(Slight bit of Bing x Larry because I love it and it needs more love. And I didn't know who else the owners could be.)

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