•~• Chapter Two •~•

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Sensitive parts probably

Holly-Marie's POV

"Oi Bitch!" Well here we go again......
"We know you can hear us!" I stop and turn around as I see Simon and Harry walk in front of me. I know not to walk backwards because they will already be standing behind me ready for another attempt at causing pain.

"Where do you think you're going?!" Willow asks sounding a lot like my mother.
"Home" I reply knowing that's going to piss her off.
"You're not going home just yet. We need to talk".
The thing with these girls is they get annoyed really fast so when I answer they're questions sarcastically they look like they could kill me.
"Isn't it nice outside. If you want to talk you're going to have to keep up. You have roughly 17 minutes of walking and talking before I'm home. So let's get started". I push past Simon and Harry who currently look like they could explode from anger any second. I count to five in my head before you can hear at least 15 sets of footsteps following me.

"Are you coming prom"?
"You're joking right? Why would I bother coming to school to dance and celebrate with people who hate me or don't even know my name"?
" Good point but you have to go to prom. How is everyone going to be entertained if the entertainment isn't there"? Eschal sounded like she wanted me to go to prom to have fun for the first half but she must of realised that as well as she suddenly turned back into the bitch I always knew she was.
"I'm sure you'll figure out another source of entertainment. Sorry chickens you're time is up".

I know I said I wouldn't go to Prom but maybe if I was to find a dress I liked I could go maybe just for a while....


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