•~• Chapter Thirty Four •~•

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(Chaz's POV)

Paybacks a bitch.

I went down to the reception and asked for the spare key card for Holly and Wills room. I got to their room and slowly opened the door so me and Jj could scare them.
"Go and get some water."
"To pour over Will."
"Ok, are you recording?"
"Yep." I jump onto Holly.
"Congratulations you woke up first. Next time make sure you talk quieter and don't wake me up before jumping on me.

(Holly-Marie's POV)

Luckily I'm a light sleeper so I hear Jj and Chaz walk in the room.
"Go and get some water." Chaz knows I have a fear of drowning so she wouldn't pour it on me. Chaz jumped on me waiting for my reaction so I casually got out of bed and congratulate them on being awake.
"Do you want me to help get him up?"
"Ye sure."
"What do you want me to do?"
"Use this."
"Why the hell do you have the air horn?"
"Thought it would come in handy and it did."
"Ok anyway let's do this."
"3...2...1" on one Chaz threw the water over Will and I pressed the button on the horn. Will jumped up.
"Yes. Ok. I'm awake!" We all started laughing until I realised.
"Our beds now wet. Where are we supposed to sleep when we get back from the beach?"
"We'll tell reception and they'll sort it out".
"Ok. You two go wake everyone else up whilst we get ready."
"See you in twenty minutes."

Will went in the shower whilst I got ready.
"Hurry up Will!"
"I will don't worry".

I had just finished doing my makeup as Will walked out the bathroom.
"What happened to you not taking long?"
"I was quick."
"I've got dressed, done my makeup and my hair, you've got the wrong word mate."
"I'm sorry dork next time I'll be quicker."
"It's fine just hurry up they'll be back in 5 minutes."
"I'll be ready by then."

5 minutes later and everyone was in our room waiting for Will.
"You make every outfit look amazing you know." {OUTFIT IN MEDIA}
"No I don't. It looks horrible."
"Ye sure. You keep believing that." Willow replied patting my shoulder.
"I'm coming calm down."
"He's whipped." Everyone started laughing at how Will would do anything I want him to.


•~• Charli •~•

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