•~• Chapter 71 •~•

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A/N It's only going to be Holly's POV for the next few chapters so I'm not going to put it at the start. 🙂

After uploading the picture of me and Will onto Instagram I turned my music on and put my headphones on to block out any noise. I closed my eyes and fell asleep. I was shook awake by the old man next to me and as my eyes adjusted to the light I saw everyone around me looking out the windows scared and confused.

"Ladies and Gentleman we are experiencing some turbulence so can you please fasten your seat belts right away. Thank you," the captain said over the intercom.
After I put my belt on, I looked out my window to find the wing bouncing around hard in the wind. I realised one of the engines was in trouble as smoke was rushing out of it.
I think we are going down, I said to myself.
The intercom turned on, "This is your captain speaking. We'll have to make an emergency landing right away."
I knew we were going down as it felt like my stomach was rising to my head.

The plane started rattling and I could hear people crying behind me. The noise was so loud that it sounded like a rumbling earth quake. The oxygen masks fell from the roof. I grabbed my mask and put it over my head, as I could feel the pressure building up. I turned to look beside me to find an old man struggling to get his mask on. I reached out and helped to put the strap over his head.

The air hostess ladies were running around trying to help people with their oxygen masks and calming them down. I was just sitting there staring at the floor hopping it was a dream even though I knew it wasn't. As I looked up I saw the old man looking at a photo of him, his wife and what looked like their daughter as a tear ran down his face. The plane dropped for a second. I felt sick.

We were sitting there wondering what was about to happen.

I could see the ground out the window rushing towards us. It was scary sitting there hoping the pilot knew what he was doing.

I had never been so scared in all my life, thinking I was going to die.

It all happened so quickly. The hard impact threw me forwards into the seat in front of me. The front of the plane was being stripped away from the body as we bounced across the rocky earth. Finally the plane came to a stop and there was almost complete silence. The crying, screaming and rumbling of the plane had come to an end.

As I stepped out of the plane it become like a survival mission to me. Either live, or die and I wasn't about to die in a hurry. I was one of the lucky ones, unlike the old man that I tried to help beside me who was lost in the wreck. I came out with only a couple of cuts and grazes. My thoughts at the moment are, where are we and are we ever going to get out of here.

I looked around to try and find any other survivors so we could stick together whilst we were here. There was one little boy who looked no older than 6, a little girl who looked about 3 and a newborn baby.

I helped all of them out of the wreck and started to get there names so it was easier to talk to them. As we got to little boy I saw a flame arise from the wreck. I passed the baby over to him and told them to run. They ran as far as their little legs could take them. They ran screaming.

All of a sudden there was a loud bang. Then darkness.

I shot awake and saw the old man sitting next to me come out of his trance and looked at me worriedly.
"Are you alright love?" He rested his hand on my arm to try and stop me from crying and shaking.
"I'm... I'm not sure." I messed with my fingers in attempt to stop myself from shaking.
"Did you have a nightmare?" I shook my head slightly and he pulled me into a hug.
"Nothing bad is going to happen to you don't worry." I look at the picture he was holding and recognised it from my dream. I started to panic again. What if it does happen? All these people are most likely going to die whilst I just lay there for however long in a coma then wake up again as if nothing ever happened.

"Can you try to distract me please. I keep thinking about the dream." He nodded his head and thought about something for a few seconds before beginning.
"This picture. It's me, my wife and our daughter. My wife was took over to America for medical help but I wasn't able to go with her so that's why I'm not with her. Our daughter died a few months back. When she was 17 she found out she was pregnant and after telling us she ran away with the child's father. Her daughter would be about 17 now." I was calming down quicker than I expected.
"Your daughter sounds interesting. Can you describe her more for me." He nodded his head and went straight into describing her.
"Her name was Katelyn, she was quiet until she got used to you then she would be the loudest person in the room. She would never leave the house until she became friends with Clare. After they became friends she would leave straight after school and wouldn't come home until early hours of the morning. Her daughters father wasn't any better either, he would often get drunk or high and he hit her on a few occasions. Obviously Katelyn never noticed that it was a one way relationship." I started putting pieces of the story together and it all seemed way too familiar.
"What was the fathers name?" I was completely calm now, the story having took my focus from the fact we're in a metal container high in the air and any second we could start falling and hardly anyone survive.
"His name was James." My dad. I sat there silent putting everyone together until a worried voice shook me out of my thoughts. "Are you alright?" I nodded my head and turned back to facing him.
"I'm fine. Sorry for worrying you. But I think your daughter is my mother." His jaw dropped and a tear ran down his face.
"After 17 years of wishing to meet you it finally happens. Your grandmother is going to be so happy." His joy was evident as he had a smile plastered across his face.


•~• Charli •~•

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