•~• Chapter Twenty Two •~•

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(Holly-Marie's POV)

We were in Nando's choosing what we wanted off the menu when the waitress came over to us.
"Hello, can I take your orders please".
"Um I'll have the Jumbo Platter please".
"Are you sure you're going to eat that alone Chaz?"
"I could eat a zoo right now." Everyone started laughing. Chaz handed the waiter menu and I noticed some cuts on her arm. I needed to speak to her about it.
"Holly? Holly? What do you want?"
"Oh. I'll have a Fresco Burger and a Diet Coke please".
"Will you be paying together or separately?"
"Together. I'm paying. I still owe them for the Westfield trip".
"Holly you are not paying for my £45 meal".
"It isn't £45". Chaz stares at the waitress before saying
"Excuse me Sam. It's 5p less than £45. It's practically the same thing". We all start laughing at how defensive Chaz just got.
"Hey, Sam. When does your shift end?"
"In about ten minutes why?"
"We'll probably still be here as a certain someone ordered a meal for 5 people". I say staring at Chaz.
"Hey leave me alone. I'm hungry". We all start to laugh again.
"Ok. I'll be back with the drinks in a few minutes and I'll give you my number".

After about 25 minutes we had all finished our meals. Except for Chaz.
"Why did you choose this again?"
"Because I'm hungry. Leave me alone".
"How long are you going to be? It's making me feel sick looking at it all".
"Listen. If you're going to complain leave or be quiet whilst I eat". Chaz ordered pointing her knife at us all.
"Ok Ok we'll be quiet. Just hurry up".

We were sitting there for an hour and thirty five minutes when Chaz finally finished. We all stood up until Chaz said
"Where are you all going I'm in the mood for dessert?" We all have Chaz death stares.
"I'm joking jeez. Calm your tits". We heard two people gasp and Chaz turned around and saw two elderly people in the booth next to ours.
"I'm sorry. Let me rephrase that sentence. I'm joking jeez. Calm your upper bollocks. Is that better?" Chaz stood up and we all walked out.
"Upper bollocks really?"
"Trust is Sam when we say this. She's not right in the head. We've considered mental asylums on multiple occasions".


•~• Charli •~•

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