•~• Chapter 72 •~•

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Me and my grandad shared stories about the past 17 years for the last 2 hours of the never ending journey.
"I need to ask you about something but I don't think you'll know anything about it because mom said I'm the only it happens to." He looks at me and nods, signalling for me to carry on. "I should've died 7 times now. But each time I die I come back to life and carry on with my life as if it's nothing." The smile on his face soon became a shocked expression, his eyes almost popping out their sockets.
"Your grandmother isn't the only one then! She has came close to death many times in the past but every time she becomes weaker because there isn't as many people in our lives as there was before. It was only me and her this time so she's struggling to survive. But when she meets you it'll be a quicker process of healing." At least I know there's someone I can talk to about it.

As the plane landed he gave me his phone to add my number.
"Come visit your grandmother soon. She'll be so excited to finally meet you." I hug him tightly not wanting to ever let go.
"I will. I'll call you later when I've finished unpacking." I kiss his cheek and run off the plane, grabbing my luggage then searching for a certain blonde friend.

"Holly!" I heard Heidi scream my name and turn to my left to see her running at me.
"Heidi!" I hug her tightly and after what felt like years she unattached herself from me and grabbed my hand heading towards the exit. 

"You ok to go food shopping with me before we go home?" We put my bags in the boot of the car and got in putting the music on straight away.
"That's fine. As long as we can get lots of chocolate and cake." We both laugh and Heidi drives out of the airport car park.

We get to the shop and jump out the car. Both of us almost running to the entrance.

After running around the isles we had brought two full baskets of sweets, cupcakes and drinks. We were back in the car, singing off-key.

Friends with Benefits came on and all energy we had was put into it.

"Way too young for the ring ting
Now you wanna dance on a king ping
Sixty-eight plus one, that's a win-win
Time to slide in like a penguin
You don't need ice, no bling bling
No hubby, no wife, just a friend ting
Live your whole life to the ending
There's no point pretending
Let's be friends, with benefits
We can chill, and Netflix
No strings, like Hendrix
Let's pimp, like Kendrick

Let's go deep into a world, that only we can see
They can't touch us, they can't judge us cuz we're crazy young and free
It's not me troubling you
It's not you troubling me
Can I trust you not to love me?
Let's be FWBs

Way too young for the ring ting
Now you wanna dance on a king ping
Sixty-eight plus one, that's a win-win
Time to slide in like a penguin
You don't need ice, no bling bling
No hubby, no wife, just a friend ting
Live your whole life to the ending
There's no point pretending
Let's be friends, with benefits
We can chill, and Netflix
No strings, like Hendrix
Let's pimp, like Kendrick

Let's go deep into a world, that only we can see
They can't touch us, they can't judge us cuz we're crazy young and free
It's not me troubling you
It's not you troubling me
Can I trust you not to love me?
Let's be FWBs

As the song ended we pulled up to Heidi's house. We jumped out and I got my bags whilst Heidi unlocked the door. I walked towards the door with my bags in my arms whilst I stare in awe at her house.
"You might want to close your mouth. You don't want to catch flies." She pushes my chin up and closes my mouth.

"Up the stairs and first door to the left

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"Up the stairs and first door to the left. I'll put the shopping away then I'll be up there to help you unpack." I carry the bags up the stairs and into my room. The majority of it was grey except for the throws and extra pillows on the bed which were either blue or white. Blue, grey and white seemed to be the colour scheme in the house.

I walked further into the room and placed my bags on the floor and walked backwards to the bed until the back of my legs hit it. I fell back onto the bed and the comfort seemed to take control.

I wake up and see that all the suitcases have been emptied and their contents have been moved. Did Heidi unpack my things whilst I slept?

I got off the bed and walked to the mirror. I sorted my hair out and made my way downstairs to find Heidi.
"Sleeping Beauty has risen from her sleep!" She cheered and paused the TV.
"How long was I asleep for?" Surely couldn't have been that long.
"4 hours" she laughs as I stand there shocked as to how I could sleep for four hours an accident.
"How did I manage that?!" I laugh with her and sit down on the other sofa.
"I don't know. You were in a deep sleep as well. I made so much noise whilst unpacking your bags." Since when was I a deep sleeper?
"Thank you for unpacking my bags. You didn't have to." She walked into the kitchen and started making something.
"It's fine. I was coming to help you anyway." I followed her to the kitchen and sat on one of the stools.

"I believe we have a lot to catch up on." I turn to face Heidi and eat the strawberry lace that was hanging out my mouth.
"I believe we do. Where do you want me to start?" She took a few seconds to think about what she wanted to know first.
"Your relationship."


•~• Charli •~•

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