•~• Chapter 80 •~•

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It had been a week since I last left the house. I had decided that I needed to do something productive, Molly and Tobi's wedding was tomorrow. I was going to film my explanation video.

I did my hair but didn't bother with makeup knowing that I was going to cry. I let Will know that I was about to film then set the tripod up at the end of the bed and I start recording.

"Hey guys, today I'm just going to be explaining everything that has went on over the past few months.

So obviously, Chaz unfortunately died in a car crash, she was pregnant and the baby survived. The baby was kept in hospital until he was healthy and mature enough to be brought out. After JJ brought CJ home, I spent a lot of time with CJ. When Chaz's death was affecting everyone badly I took CJ back to mine and Wills flat, we spent most of the day watching films but we also went to Westfield to meet up with Chloe, Ellie and Alex.

When it started to get late I took CJ back to the Sidemen house. Everyone was there. Except Will, who was obviously back at the flat, and Colleen, my sister, who hadn't been seen by anyone in the past few hours. I went back to the flat not thinking anything was wrong. As I got in I heard voices. I thought it was just Will watching a video, but as I got further into the apartment I began to recognise the second voice. It was Colleen. I still didn't think anything of it, they could've just been filming. I walked past the door and saw Colleen kiss Will, all I remember after that was grabbing a bag of things and going back to the Sidemen house.

I called Heidi on the way and asked if I could stay with her in America for a while. Nobody wanted me to leave. I didn't want to leave. But I had to. Mainly for two reasons. The first was that I was pregnant and needed some time away to stop myself being paranoid about Will leaving me for Colleen. The second was that I couldn't live a normal life when my sister was around. She wanted me to experience the shit she's been through in life.

Nobody except people I'm closest with knows this, but when I was younger, me and Will used to go into the forest and climb in the trees. This one time I had slipped and fell out the tree. The fall had made my head split open and I began losing a lot of blood, Will had gone to fetch our parents and as soon as they got to me they took me to the hospital. Due to the amount of blood I lost I died. But minutes later I started screaming and somehow survived my first near death experience.

The events of that day caused my parents to become extremely stressed and that resulted in them putting Colleen into a care home. This was only going to last until things went back to normal. But that never happened. My parents began to argue a lot and soon ended up getting a divorce. My mom started to drink a lot and that resulted in her abusing me. I knew the reason she did it was the alcohol and the fact I look more like my dad must have reminded my mom of him. Not only was I being abused at home, I was also being bullied at school. I soon got diagnosed with depression and didn't think my life was ever going to be what I wished.

My DID got worse and I was struggling to stick to one personality for a while. The personality that seemed to appear most was Holly, Holly was my most depressed personality and would often self harm, sometimes it would get to far and I would either end up in hospital or I would've died.

The worst time was prom. Holly made an appearance whilst I was being bullied at prom and she smashed a punch bowl. I just remember picking up a shard of glass and feeling the pain rush through me as I dragged it through my skin.

I remember waking up in hospital and my mom being there. She had told me about the fact that her and Wills mom had arranged for me and Will to get married. At this point, me and Will had grew apart. We went through with it because although they made mistakes they were still our parents.

A few weeks later I went back to my house, I had been staying with Will, when I walked through the door I saw my mom, passed out on the floor. I saw the alcohol bottle by her side and lifted her head, trying to get her to wake up. I tried to bring her out of her unconscious state but then I noticed. My hand was covered in blood. She had cut her head open and bled to death. Just like I did years ago. I struggled to come to terms with her death. The only thing I could do was make her proud.

Anyway, back to what I was originally saying. Colleen had gone into care because of me so she wanted to show me what it was like to have nothing in life. To have everyone you love just leave within a matter of time. I left to go and live in America for a while so Colleen wasn't a risk towards everyone.

After announcing that I was going to be in America for a while on Twitter, Talia Mar messaged me saying that we should write a song whilst I was there. So that's what we did. It may have took us five weeks to stop acting like 5 year olds but we finished writing it. On the day we wrote the song I passed out.

I was took to hospital and after they did a few tests and scans they had discovered that I was going to have an ectopic pregnancy. That means that there is around 1% chance of the baby surviving because they are growing in my Fallopian tubes. There was also a chance that I could die from it but at this point I know that that won't happen. I'm keeping the baby just in case they do survive. I wouldn't want to live a life knowing that there was still 1% chance of the baby surviving. I wouldn't know what to do with my life.

But for now that's all, uploads should be back to normal soon. Also! I'm thinking about opening a P.O. Box, let me know what you think!"

I turn the camera off and watch the footage back on the computer. Only thing that needs editing is a warning at the beginning about sensitive topics being mentioned. As soon as that is done I upload the video and wait to read some of the responses.


•~• Charli •~•

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