•~• Chapter Thirteen •~•

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(Holly-Marie's POV)

"Doors Closing". The lifts doors were just about to close when they were pushed back open.
"We need to talk". She stepped in and pressed the emergency stop button so nobody could get in or out.
"What about Molly"?
"I know we bullied you during school but ever since the day after prom when you woke up Will has been so happy. He likes you Holly". Wait. What?!
"Wait really"?
"Yes. The reason we bullied you was because Will liked you. Because after previous relationships we thought you would be the same. We're really sorry. And whilst you were in hospital after your dad came back we thought you had tried to kill yourself because of us. And this happened". She showed me the scars on her arms so I held it and rubbed my thumb across each scar lightly.
"I'm sorry".
"Holly you shouldn't be apologising. We should. Come back to Wills and I'll ask the girls if we can go outfit shopping for the party".
"Thank you. I'm going to need to go home and get my money first".
"No. You're not going home. We'll pay for it. Like an apology gift".
"You don't need to. I can buy it myself".
"Ok fine. But I'm paying you back somehow".
"Come on. Let's go and get the girls and put your bags back in the spare room".
We press the emergency button again and the lift door opens. We step out and walk back to the apartment. Molly knocks on the door and almost immediately the door swings open and Will engulfs me in a hug. I've never been happier.

•~• Charli •~•

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