•~• Chapter 98 •~•

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Age 16
Prom Night

We'd got home and I'd invited Will in. I walked through the hall into the living room, everyone looked so happy. I'd took my heels off and threw them onto the stairs, ready to take upstairs with me later.
"Guys, I'm ready to tell you." Everyone's attention diverted to me and the conversation had ended.
"Take your time honey, hi Will how was prom?" Mom looked happy to see Will, I guess it had been a while since she'd last saw him.
"Amazing." I looked at him and he had his signature grin spread across his face.
"Only took you both 6 years. I was fed up of you two eye-fucking every time you were in the same room, thought I'd have to take matter into my own hands and lock you in a room until you confessed your love to each other." Both me and Will blushed slightly before going to sit on the floor.
"Colleen! Language!" Mom tried to stay serious when telling us to be 'children of God' and cussing us for using any curses whilst inside the house, but she was laughing at what Coll had said.
"Ok so, this is going to sound really weird and you might not believe me at first but have some proof to show you I'm not lying. On the 7th June 2002 I fell out of the big willow tree in the forest. Let me finish explaining before saying anything. I had bled to death by the time the ambulance had took us to the hospital. When the doctors were out of the room apologising for not being able to wake me I had somehow woke up and started screaming. I had died but I came back. This caused lots of stress. Mom and dad, you had put Colleen into adoption because the effects of my death on the family were too stressful. A few months later, you'd got a divorce. Mom, you became an abusive drunk. Will, you're mom forced you to move house and we'd immediately lost contact. You became friends with everyone in our friendship group, you'd previously been in a toxic relationship so they were all protective over you. They'd found out you liked me and bullied me throughout the whole of high school.

Dad, the first time I saw you after the divorce was when you had got into the house and tied mom up, forcing me to go somewhere with you so you could explain yourself, mom knew you were on the run from the police, you were in a gang which had previously attempting robbing a bank, she had called the police saying you'd be at the park. We were there talking and you heard the sirens, you began to run and when I grabbed your arm you kicked me until I was unconscious. I was in hospital for a few weeks. Mom, you'd cut down on the alcohol after this. It wanting to lose me.

When I returned to school it was the week before prom, I was diagnosed with Dissociative Identity Disorder and Depression near the beginning of year 10, both were getting worse throughout that week. When it came to prom night I had snuck out of the house, mom didn't know because she was on the phone to Wills mom talking about how they'd arranged for us to get married. When I got to prom my identity changed, it was my depressed identity. The girls came up to me and everything got to much. I'd killed myself in front of everyone, whilst everyone was going crazy I could sense that Will was near me, he was holding my dead body.

Will was the only person who visited me whilst in hospital, he was there everyday. When I'd finally woke up from the coma we spoke about what happened and he'd offered to let me live in his flat with him for a while. Usually when I'd killed myself I had the same strength as before but I had a lot less that time round. The day that me and Will started dating his mom came around, she said to come home to check on you because you were back to being an alcoholic. When I got here you were lying on the floor, unconscious. They said you died of alcohol poisoning.

Nothing really happened for a few weeks. I'd lay in bed, crying. I'd booked tickets to Las Vegas before finding your body. I still went, I wanted to have a good time and remember what it was like to be loved by someone. Whilst we were there Will proposed, there was still the agreement but he'd managed to persuade his mom to call it off. What he said to me whilst we were stood on the beach was the exact same as what he had said to me tonight.

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