•~• Chapter 92 •~•

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"Colleen... moms death was suicide. It was murder." I hand the book over to Colleen, "they said it was poisoning. Dad left an empty bottle of poison here hours before. He fucking killed her."
"Come on, you're going home. We can come back another time, for now let's keep it at what we have. I'll talk to my dad and ask if he knew anything about it."

We got back to the house and there was a black van outside. I had saw the van before, I recognised the licence plate. I shook it off thinking it was a van that had been to a different house.

Everything seemed completely normal until I noticed the front door was wide open. Will always makes sure the door is locked and the twins can't reach the handle to open it. I looked over and saw Coll looking as confused as I was.

We walked towards the house and heard shouting. A voice that was all too familiar. Dad?
"Is that your dad or are we hearing things?" It can't be. Can it?
"I think it is." I stepped into the house and heard the twins. Screaming. As I run into the house I look around and see him. Standing on the opposite side of the room to Will with a gun facing aimed at Wills forehead.
"No! Dad, what the fuck are you doing?!" He looks over to me and smirks before turning back to Will.
"All this family ever did was fuck our lives up.  No way in hell am I going to sit around and allow you to get married into their family." He slowly presses down on the trigger.
"You were dead. We saw your body. How are you here?" At this point I was trying to distract him.
"Your mothers family weren't the only ones with invincibility."
"Listen, put the gun down. We can talk. What do you want? Just put the gun down and go." He looked back almost as though his cold-blooded self actually cared. Although, that is where we were wrong. The smirk returned to his face as he turned back to Will. This can't happen. I know what it's like to grow up with only parent and I know I don't want the twins growing up the same. I had to do something to stop him. But what?


oof cliffhanger :)

•~• Charli •~•

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