•~• Chapter Thirty •~•

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(Holly-Marie's POV)

"hola azadas y perras" I screamed when we walked into the Sidemen house.
"If you're going to speak in Spanish at least teach us!" I heard before getting pulled into a giant group hug.
"Will! Help! Please!" I extended my arm so Will could grab it and pull me out.
"Sorry chick. Can't do that." Chaz pulled out of the hug and stormed up to Will. 
"What have I told you about calling people chick or chicken? They're my names for everyone!" Chaz playfully started boxing Will.
"Rape!" All the boys were now watching Will get beat up by Chaz.
"Trust me. I'm better than Jj at boxing so if you call someone chick or chicken again I will spar you."
"I'll pass thanks" everyone starting laughing at how quick Will reacted.
"Qué debería filmar?"
"English please."
"What should I film?"
"Film a video where you teach us Spanish!"
"That sounds amazing!"
"Let's do it!"
"One more thing. Have you packed yet?"
"Packed for what?"
"LA. Tomorrow."
"Yes obviously." The boys all ran to their rooms to pack their bags.
"Holly can I speak to you about something please."
"Ye sure." I walk over to Stephen and tell the girls to go and get ready. "What's up?"
"I want you to say something in Spanish."

I run into the kitchen after finding out what Stephen wanted me to say and turn the camera on to start recording.
"Hola chicos bienvenidos a mi canal. Hoy voy a enseñarles a las chicas y quizás a algunos de los muchachos españoles."
"I feel sorry for the viewers right now. Half of them probably don't understand what you're saying."
"There is a magical thing called editing where I will put subtitles on for them".
"That is magical."
"Anyway lets have the first phrase!"
"quien obtenga este derecho, compraré Nandos para"
"Something to do with Nando's!"
"No shit Sherlock."
"I will buy Nando's. Is all I know".
"I actually feel clever."
"Because I know what it is."
"Go on then."
"Whoever gets this right first, I will buy Nando's for."
"Shit. Now I have to buy Nando's for the person who buys a meal for 5"
"Don't judge me. I may be training constantly but I can still eat for 5 people."

We had been filming for about an hour now and all the boys had came to watch.

"Right this is the last one."
"To be honest I was actually getting into this."
"Alright people be quiet." I looked around and nodded at Stephen.
"Sam serás la novia de Stephen's?"
"All I know is it has something to do with me and Stephen."
"Well done. You have stated the obvious."
"OMG! I'm going to cry. This is so cute."
"I'm guessing you know it."
"Oh god. You're actually crying." We all started laughing at Willows current state.
"Sam are you ready to find out what i said?"
"Stephen. Do you want to say it or should I?"
"I'll say it. Sam will you be my girlfriend?"
I look around to see all the girls crying tears of happiness.
"I think this calls for a celebration."
"I think you should all be going to sleep. We have a plane to catch in 8 hours. And that means we are going home. Bye."
We all walk into the hall and I push Will outside and tell him to get the car ready. As soon as I hear the engine I grab my things, shout "bye chickens" and run.
"What have I said about chickens!" Chaz starts chasing the car so Jj has to chase her and carry her back to the house.
"Was that necessary?"
"Of course it was Will. I have to buy her Nando's."
"Why? What did you do?"
"I didn't think they would get the first statement and I said whoever guesses the right thing first I will buy Nando's for."
"Well that wasn't a good idea was it?"
"No. She usually has the Jumbo Platter as well. That's like £40."
"She could eat a horse and still be hungry."
"She could eat a zoo."
"Probably more"
"Can I borrow your laptop or computer when we get back to the flat please".
"Is it to edit the video?"
"Ye. If I get it edited by tonight I can post it tomorrow."
"Do you want some help with editing it?"
"Most likely yes."

We got back to the house and I make us both a drink whilst he turns on his computer and gets ready to teach me. After 20 minutes of being taught I get used to the main tools.
"You're video looks amazing."
"Thanks bub"
"My dad used to call my mom bub. And if I was to call you chicken Chaz would probably appear out of nowhere and attack me."
"That is something I could imagine happening."
"Right anyway. As soon as I finish editing this video. We sleep."
"I don't want to sleep though."
"If you don't sleep you won't wake up in time for the flight."
"Fine. You're lucky I want to go, if it was a flight to anywhere else I would probably miss it on purpose."
"Why would you avoid going on a holiday?"
"They are exciting to start with but then it becomes repetitive and annoying."
"Ok then. Let's not get all deep about how free holidays are boring."

I finished editing and scheduled the video to upload at 3pm. I took the cups into the kitchen and rinsed them out so I can wash them tomorrow after having something to eat and drink. I set an alarm on my phone for 2am so we can get up, dressed and have something to eat before boarding the plane.
"Right now we can sleep."
"Goodnight, love you."
"Love you too bub"
"Are you actually going to keep calling me that?"
"Of course I am."
"Alright. That means I'm going to call you dork."
"That's Fine by me. Now go to sleep."


•~• Charli •~•

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