•~• Chapter Five •~•

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Holly-Marie's POV

"Why are you here?"
"I missed you" I'm so glad I'm not Hol right now because he would be dead.
"It's a few years too late"
"I know and I'm sorry"
"Sorry isn't going to fix it. You promised you were going to come back but you lied"
"At least let me take you somewhere and explain". I look back over to my mom to see her trying to get her hands loose from the rope. I went over and helped her up.
"Mom, I'll be back in an hour I promise" she looked at me and for the first time since dad left she was happy.
"Be careful and remember I love you. I know it may not have seemed like it the past few years but I'm sorry. Sorry for hurting you physically and mentally. For causing you all the stress I have. For being the reason you have tried to commit so many times. I'm sorry". A tear rolled down her cheek.
"Mom, please. Don't cry. You're aren't the reason I try to commit. I know even when you hurt me that you still love me. I'll be back soon. I promise".
"Let's go"

*15 minutes later*

"Dad why are you here"?
"I miss you"
"But that's the thing. You don't miss me. You're saying that to get to my head. If you missed me you would have came back 8 years ago".
"I did".
"Eight years ago, I came back. But I was drunk and not alone".
"You cheated on mom"? I whispered about to cry.
"Yes and I didn't realise what was happening until your mother opened the door and started crying. We came here to talk about it and because I was drunk I couldn't control what I was doing and I.. I... I..."
"What did you do dad"? I was getting angry.
"I ra-" He was cut off by the sound of police sirens. I grabbed him and hugged him as not only did I want to stay goodbye this time but I knew that mom had rung the police.

Dad soon realised what was happening and pushed me to the ground and after kicking me multiple times in the stomach to knock me unconscious he ran into the dark.


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