•~• Chapter 96 •~•

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A/N most chapters are going to be different ages.

5 years later — Age 11

"Are you ready Holly?"
"Of course I am, I have everything I need for school and it means I get to see Will a lot more again." Will moved out of his old house 2 years ago, we were still as close as ever and nothing was going to change that.
"Wills mom said that she would take you to and from school everyday so that it's less of a hassle for me whilst I'm trying to look after your dad." He was ill, I think it was serious but I'm not bothered right now. Yeah, he's my dad, but he also killed my mom, threatened to shoot Will and shot Colleen, so right now the risk of him dying doesn't really matter.

After waiting a few minutes there was a constant knock on the front door. It was getting louder and louder every second. I ran over and opened it up seeing a very excited best friend.
"Are you excited?!" Will was practically jumping up and down.
"Of course I am. We're finally going to high school!" I closed the door after shouting goodbye to my parents and Colleen before closing the door and getting into the back of Wills mom car.

The car journey consisted of singing and dancing to music. By the time we got to school we were both holding our stomachs in pain from laughing for the last fifteen minutes.
"Have fun, I'll be here later to pick you up!" We waved goodbye and continued into school.

In registration, me and Will found out that we only had English, Maths and History together.
"At least we'll have lessons to make new friends." This is what I loved about Will, no matter the situation he always saw the positive side of things.

The deafening bell rang and everyone slowly stood up from their seats and began to make their way to the first lesson. Luckily the geography room was next door so I didn't have to try and survive the herd of students throwing each other around the corridors.

Because I was first to the lesson I made my way over to the corner of the room, furthest away from the teachers desk. Students start to walk into the class and I ignore most of the conversations until I hear Willow and Simon walk into the room.

"Is there anybody sitting here?" I look up and see Willow point to the two seats next to me.
"No, the only person I know in the school is in a different lesson." They sat down, Simon pulling a bottle of water out of his bag whilst Willow pulled the earphone out of her ear.

Her music was loud enough for me to hear that she was listening to 5 Seconds of Summer.
"Are you listening to 5SOS?" She smirked and nodded her head, all we spoke about for the whole double lesson was 5SOS. I think that we're friends, I'm just not sure yet.

"Do you want to come meet our other friends? You said at the start of lesson that you only knew one person." I totally forgot about saying that.
"Will they mind?" With my anxiety I always hated meeting new
"They won't, I promise."
"Alright, I just need to wait for my friend."
"That's fine. I'll give you my number so you can call me when they've got here. I just need to go back to my form room and grab my coat." She gave me her number and rushed to her form so that she would be back in time to introduce everyone.

"Hey! Made any friends yet?" Will gave me a hug as he approached me.
"I think so. We kind of bonded over 5SOS for the past two hours." I laugh as Will shook his head he always said 'you only like them because they're cute' but he was wrong. They were hot as fuck. But their music is amazing too.
"I swear you love that band more than you love me."
"Well yes, but no." I patted his head before walking over to Willow, she had just walked back around the corner. "Come on. You need to meet them."

This hallway was quite empty so it wasn't a struggle getting to Willow.
"Will, this is Willow. Willow, Will." Will smiles before he gets pulled into a hug by Willow. Willow was quick to like someone and she likes to believe "a friend of yours is a friend of mine."

By the time we'd finished introducing ourselves to everyone, the bell was expected to go within the next 2 minutes. I'd found out I was with at least one person from the group in every lesson so I wouldn't be alone.

The lessons we had after break were music, I was with Molly, and Media, I was with Josh, they seemed to go by fast. But that was probably just because of how much time we spent talking.

When we were in music Molly had asked if I was with Will. I said we have always been really close because ever since birth we've been best friends, what was I supposed to say? Oh yeah, we aren't together but in the future we are supposed to be together- I know I can trust them, they had been my best friends for 8 years, before I somehow went back in time, it's just that I can't trust their current selves.

—————————————————————————       OOOOOOHHHHHHH 4 CHAPTERS LEFT BROOOSSSS 🤙🏻

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