•~• Chapter 84 •~•

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(Trigger Warning - SELF HARMING)

A week later I was out of the hospital, I was finally returning to the comfort of my home. As I stepped through the apartment door I broke down. Will immediately pulled me into a hug, usually his embrace would calm me down. But not this time. This time it would be a lot harder.

I wouldn't be sleeping in mine and Wills room for a while, I don't think I'd be able to handle going back in there yet. Being in the house was hard enough, let alone being in the room where I lost the baby.

I walked into the spare room and lay on the bed. This was supposed to be the baby's room. I looked around and started to cry even more. Will had understood by now that I was coping on myself. He would still talk to me about other subjects like YouTube, and he wouldn't expect me to talk back. I haven't spoke since I woke back up, all I've done is cry and sleep.

"Everyone said they wanted to come round to see you soon, they've all missed you loads. When they come I'll explain to them about your selective mutism." He kissed my head and walked out the room, most likely going to get some food.

When I'm alone I have more time to think. And when I have more time to think I get more upset and can't control myself. All I could think about was the fact that I had lost the baby.


I go into the bathroom to get some tissue, as I turn to walk back through to the bedroom I see it. I've been clean for about 6 months, times when I felt like cutting during the pregnancy I'd avoid it, just in case I would cut too far.

I grab the blade, my hands shaking. I run it across my once scarred arm and create more open wounds. The blood runs down my arm and most of it goes into the sink. One stream of blood goes down my arm and reaches my hand.

As I go to wash all the blood off my arm I see the blood that's on my hand. Flashbacks of the day I lost my baby appear. I need to stay quiet so Will doesn't come check on me. I promised him that I'd talk to him if I felt like cutting.

I clean up my arm and put a bandage around it. I pulled down my jumper sleeve before going back into the bedroom and lying down in the bed. I was going to have to show someone. I just don't know who.

Self harm can affect anyone. Whether it was you who did it or someone you know did it. Don't stay quiet about it, talk to people, it doesn't matter whether they're your best friend, your teacher or someone you met online. You were born to live a rollercoaster, there's going to be the ups and downs. But life's a game of survival. A challenge to see who makes it to the end. Be one of those people who make it to the end. There may be times where you want to kill yourself. But do you really? In reality you just want to stop the pain. In 10 years time, you'll look back and think about all the things that's made you upset and you'll realise that they made you stronger. Because you got passed it.

If you ever need anyone to talk to I'm here. I have no life so I'll most likely answer. Stay safe 🙂

•~• Charli •~•

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