•~• Chapter 55 •~•

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I sat in my bedroom staring at my monitors procrastinating. I sighed realising that there would be news stories out soon so I need to say what happened before fans find out from the news. I set up my camera slowly thinking about how shit the world can be at times and how bad the human race are.

"Yesterday I received a phone call from the hospital telling me that I had to go down there straight away as something happened to Chaz.

I sat on my bed crying for a while until Sam came in and tried to blame whatever happened on herself. Me and Sam went to the hospital and the doctor came out and said that Chaz was in a car crash they had  tried all they could but they couldn't save Charli. Although they was able to save our baby who is in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit for the next 3 months as he still isn't fully developed.

The other driver was drunk and was arrested at the scene as a fan who had saw called the ambulance and police she then rushed back to the hospital after just finishing her shift to make sure Chaz got the best care possible.

There's going to be a small amount of videos for a while until CJ is healthy and can leave hospital. There is a picture on my Instagram for anyone who still hasn't saw it. Anyway, hopefully you can understand how hard it's going to be for us. I'm going to go through some of my Instagram DMs if anyone has any questions please ask me on there. Bye guys."

After uploading the video I went down to the kitchen to grab a drink before sitting in the living room and answering some DMs.


•~• Charli •~•

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