•~• Chapter 58 •~•

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After replying to a few more fans I called my manager to sort out the party.
"Hey, I need you to book a venue for a party. There's going to be 15 fans and Chazs closest friends and family."
"You sure JJ. You don't think this is too much too soon?"
"This is what she always wanted. For people to celebrate her life sooner and not to get so upset over it."
"Alright then. Each fan will have to bring an adult if they are under the age of 16."
"That's great. Do you know when the closest time possible will be?"
"Definitely within the next two weeks."
"Ok, thank you so much for this."
"It's fine JJ."

After the phone call I went downstairs to tell everyone about the party and that there was going to be a few fans there.

"So how fans are going to be there?"
"I decided ten would be enough because its going to be us, all of Chaz's friends, Chazs family, those ten fans and an adult if they're under sixteen"
"I can't believe she's actually gone."
"None of us can."
"She never got to fulfil her dreams. She didn't become a professional boxer. She didn't get to do modelling. She didn't get to look after our child. She didn't get to live her life. But that dickhead survived. She was killed because he was drunk. And he survived. And his only consequence is jail. He gets fucking jail time. He can die in jail. He deserves to die." Everyone has tears in their eyes as I stormed up the stairs. Rushing to get my phone and money to go to the hospital to see CJ.

"Hey Hayley how are you?"
"Great thanks. I was actually just about to call you with some very good news. Wait. You've been crying. What's up?"
"I was thinking about how the drunk driver only has jail time whereas Chaz has lost her life."
"There is a positive side to it all though. He's arrested for the rest of his life. He's going to live the rest of his life in torture and realise that he took her life."
"That's a good point. How's CJ and what's this good news you speak of?"
"CJ is perfect. And the good news is that his development has gone quicker than expected and he can go home today." Tears began to brim my eyes for the third time that day
"That's amazing. OMG, I am finally hold my baby."
"Come on, I believe you came here to see him. Not just stand around and talk." I follow Hayley to the NICU messaging the others to tell them.

CJ can come home today!

We got into the room and walked over to CJs isolette placing a hand on the glass that surrounds him. He turns slightly so he's facing us and places a hand on the opposite side of the glass. I notice Hayley takes her phone out of her pocket and takes a picture slyly trying not to be caught be other doctors as it's forbidden.
"Thank you, for everything."
"It's my job JJ. And you're my favourite youtuber so why shouldn't I help?"
"Hayley, I know you are working extra hours, another nurse told me. And I also know you're doing this voluntarily. So I'm going to give you some money for it."
"JJ, you really don't have to. I want to make sure that CJ gets the happiest and healthiest life possible."
"You can't make me change my mind. I'm giving you the money no matter what."

Another doctor walked in and said I need to sign the paper work so CJ can be discharged.
"JJ I have a question."
"Go ahead."
"What does CJ stand for?"
"It stands for Charli Junior."
"That's cute. Anyway, you best go and sign those papers or he'll be here for longer."

I walked out of the room smiling giddily. I finally get to hold my baby boy......


•~• Charli •~•

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