•~• Chapter Thirty Three •~•

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(Holly-Marie's POV)

After leaving the airport we went to the hotel which wasn't to far of a walk. We got our our keys and went to sort out our suitcases before going out for food.

Whilst we was sitting in McDonalds a group of 8 year old girls came over to us.
"Yes?" I don't know who was more confused. Me or them.
"OMG, is it actually you?"
"Last time I checked it was. Why?"
"We loved your video with Will and your videos with the girls."
"Thank you." This actually made me so happy.
"Can we have a picture please?"
"Of course you can." After a group photo and individual pictures the girls left.
"I'm exhausted. It was 5 pictures and I feel like I might pass out from exhaustion."
"You get used to it eventually."
"They will soon want video messages for friends, signatures and they'll start asking you about merch or a follow on social media."
"Oh ok, anyway what does everyone want to do as we aren't the legal age to drink."
"I'm down."
"Can we sleep first?"
"Is sleep all you ever want to do Jj?"
"No. As a matter of fact I also want to kill Logan."
"We should tweet him and tell him we are here."
"That's just going to cause a scene."
"And that scene will lead to vlog footage and TWOTI footage."
"You're clever you know."
"I don't like to brag but I know."
"Come on dork."

We left McDonalds and went back to the hotel so we could sleep for a while before going to the beach to watch the sunset.
"Chaz and Jj. If you don't wake up we won't wait for you and we'll go to beach without you. We may even take a trip to Logan's house."
"We'll be awake. Definitely. There is no way I'm missing this."
"Alright. You have one hour and half until we leave."
"I promise you we will be ready before then."
"Ok see you later."
"Bye chicken."


•~• Charli •~•

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