•~• Chapter Twelve •~•

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(Holly-Marie's POV)

We had just got to Wills apartment and after putting my bags in the spare room I went into the living room and saw a picture of me and Will as kids on the wall. I started crying as all I could think about was how happy and stress-free my life was at that age. My parents were happy and together. I didn't have depression. I didn't have DID. And I hadn't died once. 

Will must have heard me crying because he came and hugged me from behind resting his chin on my shoulder. It was silent. But a comfortable silence.

>A week later<

I have been living with Will for a week now and no matter how many times I tell him I forgive him, he still apologises for not stopping the Sidemen or the girls.

"Holly, I need to tell you something but you need to promise me you won't get mad at me". What has he done?
"When I went out earlier I met up with the Sidemen".
"I know you said that's where you were going".
"Ok. It's Viks birthday next week and I said we could have the party here. I'm sorry I forgot about you being here".
"It's fine".  I felt my eye twitch. I had to get out before I changed again.
"You sure"?  Too late. I've changed.
"I said I'm fine. Now just leave me alone for a while".
"I said leave me the fuck alone".
"I'm sorry". Will grabbed his jacket, some money and his phone before leaving the apartment slamming the door.

I'm leaving. I can't stay here. I'm going to have to go home.

I grab a bag and put all of my stuff in it. I wrote a note to Will telling him that I'm clearly not important and that I'm going home. As I go to leave the flat the picture of me and Will catches my eye. I pick it up and throw it to ground. I open the door and they're all standing there in front of me. They all look confused but Will stood out looking upset.
"Thanks Will. And goodbye".

I heard them questioning Will. I wanted to take as long as I could  before getting to the lift just so I could hear how Will gets out of this one.


As much as I hated lifts I had to use it because after I killed myself at prom i hadn't have a lot of energy to do anything. Which has never happened before...

•~• Charli •~•

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