•~• Chapter 67 •~•

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(JJ's POV)

Everyone came. All our friends from school. Close families. Other YouTubers. Even a lot of Chaz's older brother Mike. When Chaz's family moved away two years ago Chaz didn't go with them because of her life here Mike decided he wasn't going to contact his favourite sibling. Until now. On the day of her funeral.

When Holly and Will came back down we filed into the limos whilst the rivers loaded the hearse with numerous roses. Charli loved roses; red roses. She love anything red.


They arrived at the church where the service was soon to start. The atmosphere in the building not only looked gloomy but felt gloomy. Everywhere you'd look, there were no smiles. Everyone thinking the same thing.

I hate this. Why did she have to die? What did she ever do to deserve this?

Even the seats were uncomfortable. The only noises heard in the room were the whispers of people, ticking of watches and the shuffling of bodies on chairs. And to top it off, the chairs were Charli's favourite colour: red. A blood stained red.

But what was there really to complain about? It was a sunny day, with birds chirping and leaves falling. Chaz would've done anything to see this day. All the people she loved altogether. Celebrating her life. At her favourite time of year.

The moment Mike tuned out of all the noise, he noticed something right in front of him. What he came to see. Who he came to see. Chaz. Luckily it was an open casket so he was able to see his favourite younger sister once more.

On each side of the casket were two large candles. Of course, both were red in colour. Above the casket were the roses brought from the house. In the background, faintly playing was Chaz's favourite Christmas song. Grownup Christmas List. She would play it everyday from November 25th up until Christmas Day whenever she had the chance to. Mike hated that song. He hated Christmas. It was one of the many reasons for his hatred towards his once favourite sister.

Mike decided not to see his sister one last time. He didn't want to "accidentally" spit on her. His anger for her was well known. Some people even thought he paid the drunk driver to drive into Chaz, but evidence proved otherwise and Mike was no longer a part of the case.

The casket was closed and the pallbearers carried it on their shoulder to the hearse. Friends and family followed. Mike reluctantly joined them.

As the casket was lowered, many tears were shed. Mike had even shed a tear, but it honestly wasn't sadness. It was happiness. Mike Roberts believed he had every right to hate his sister. He knew she hated his guts as much as he hated hers. For Mike to attend the funeral was a miracle in itself. Truly, he wanted closure but he'd never admit that.

Mike happened to be the last one to stay. Why? No one knows.
"Hey Mike! You coming to dinner?" A man's voice said.
Mike looked up to see who it was and immediately fury boiled up inside him.
"You!" Mike shouted, attacking the man and pinning him down to the ground.
"Help! Help!" the man shouted trying to escape Mike's hold.
"I hate you, why are you even here?!" Mike knew the man's face. He was one of the reasons he hated Chaz.
The man on the ground, named Jacob, finally spoke to Mike.
"Look Mike, I don't know what you're talking about."
"You were one of the members from Chaz's old gangs. You were in command. You separated me from my sister so she could steal drugs and alcohol for you." Mike shouted, anger clouding his eyes.
"Dude, I didn't do it I swear!"
"Prove it!" Mike released the man and stood from the ground.
"-Because I did it." Another voice from behind Mike said.
Mike and Jacob looked to see who the voice belonged to.
"Ryan?" Mike said "impossible. I always saw her giving the things to Jacob."
"Jacob always collected them from Charli-George. She didn't want to come to the base and she didn't exactly like me. She just did it for the money."
Jacob slowly but surely left the scene as Mike and Ryan spoke about Chazs' agreement.

JJ walked over to the two men and explained that the dinner was soon to start. JJ walked faster than the two men held up in conversation so he could barely hear what they were talking about.
"I think I know who would've wanted to kill Chaz." JJ discreetly slowed down and listened to the conversation to find out who was to blame for this happening.
"There was the other girl in the gang. The hated each other with a passion. They were always arguing and if they had the chance they would start fights. She always thought Chaz was secretly working against us but we would always tell her she's pathetic because if she was working against us would come to the base so she could plan an attack on us. When Chaz finally left the gang she sad she was going to get revenge sooner or later."
"Her name was Colleen Kelly."


•~• Charli •~•

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