•~• Chapter Nineteen •~•

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(Holly-Marie's POV)

Its been a week since I found my mom. Lying lifeless on the floor. Surrounded by alcohol.

"Holly, the girls are here to see you". I hadn't left the room all week. I'd sat in bed eating ice cream and watching films. Mainly just the Kissing Booth on repeat.

"Ok tell them they can come in". Will walked out of the room and then the group of girls who I've missed so much all came towards me for a massive group hug.
"Hey Holly. You alright?"
"Getting better. I know I probably shouldn't be but I'm ready for the surprise trip".
"Are you sure Holly? We haven't told anyone yet because we don't want to go without you".
"I'm sure. Plus I can't be hiding away in my room if we have a party tomorrow. Now go and tell the boys. I'll tell Will".
"Ok. You have our numbers if you need us call. Love you".  There was multiple voices all saying "bye" or "love you" and of course "love you chicken" from Chaz.
"Bye girls!" The apartment door closed and Will walked back into the room and turned the tv off before bouncing down onto the bed.
"Noooo!!!!! Turn the Kissing Booth back on! It's at the best part!!"
"You have watched it way too many times young lady. You probably know the movie off the top of your head".
"That's definitely true. Anyway. How would you like to go on a holiday to Vegas with everyone?"
"Wait! Really?!" Will definitely had the mental age of 4.
"Yes of course. Why else would I have said it?" I said laughing at how excited Will was.
"When are we going?"
"In 3 days so go and pack your bags. I have already booked the tickets and hotels".
"I love you Holly!"
"And I love you dork!"


•~• Charli •~•

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