•~• Chapter Seven •~•

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Holly-Marie's POV

*A week later*

I woke up a few days ago and the doctors said I can leave today. My mom has told me the whole story about my dad cheating on her and raping her. She knew to call the police because they were still searching for him, she had told the police that is where he would most likely be because that was his thinking spot. He would always go there when he needed to sort something out with someone. Like he did with me.
The school had put prom on hold because of the coma and now I'm awake they have decided prom will be on Friday. I have 6 days to buy the dress, book another appointment for my makeup and I also needed to dye my hair.

"Mom, can I ask you something"?
"Yes go ahead sweetheart",
"Why did you hurt me"?
"After the incident 8 years ago with your father I tried to fully remove him out of my life. The biggest barrier in that challenge was you. You looked like him. So when I saw you the anger I had bottled up from the argument with him erupted inside of me and sometimes I would get so angry I thought there was a possibility I wouldn't be able to control myself and I might kill you. And then when you first attempted suicide 5 years ago, I though it was my fault. I thought I had hurt you so much that I had made you kill yourself". I guess now I have to tell her about the DID.
"Mom, it wasn't me when I tried to kill myself. I have DID. The four main personalities I have are H, Hol, Holly and Holly-Marie. H is the outgoing, active personality. Hol is the angrier personality and sometimes struggles to control their temper. Holly is depressed and is the personality which tries to kill me.  Holly-Marie is the neutral personality. Although she can have moments where she wants to kill me too".
"How do you know each personality from the other"?
"The colour of my eyes. H has emerald green, Hol has an amber colour, Holly has caramel and Holly-Marie has blue".
"When did you find out you had this"? She finally cares.....


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