•~• Chapter Forty Four •~

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(Heidi's POV)

I was sitting on my bed looking through all of the pictures I had taken whilst in London. The door swung open and Holly ran in jumping onto the bed.

"You have a text."
"Off who?"
"A certain Callum Aaron McGinley. Asking you if you would go out with him." I felt a smile creep onto my face.
"Well are you going to sit around and smile like a kid in Christmas or message him back?"
"I'll message him."
"Good. Now I'm going to buy food, do you want me to pick anything up?"
"I'll come with you. Just let me message Cal and grab my shoes."

Sure, when do you want to go?


Great. See you tonight.

See you at 7.

"You finished messaging lover boy now?"
"Yep. Let's go."

We had finished getting food and we were deciding what to do next.
"Do you have an outfit for tonight?"
"I was going to wear a pair of ripped jeans and a top but I have a feeling you won't let me."
"You are correct child."
"I'm older than you."
"Nobody needs to know that."
"Alright. Let's hurry up because we have 3 hours to get me ready."
"It's 4 already?"

After spending an hour following Holly around the shops she had finally got an outfit for me.
"Can we go home now?"
"Yes. But there's no time to waste. We have 2 hours until he gets to the apartment."
"Let's go then."

We got home and put the food away before Holly pushed me into the bathroom handing me my outfit.
"Have a shower and get dressed. And be quick."
"Yes I know."
"Hurry up then."
After getting out of the shower I put the outfit on and walked out standing by the door waiting for Holly's reaction.
"Heidi this outfit is amazing!"
"Well you did pick it out."
"Yes I know but be quiet. Nobody needs to know that."

I sat down in front of the mirror and started doing my makeup

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I sat down in front of the mirror and started doing my makeup. Holly started to curl my hair so we could kill two birds with one stone and be ready in time.

"You look amazing Heidi."
"Thank you. For everything. For letting  me stay here. For letting me take the pictures at your engagement party. For welcoming me into your friend group. For making my time in England the best it could be."
"It's alright babe.  Do you have to go back?"
"Unfortunately yes. I can't live here with you and Will. I'll feel guilty for not paying anything towards the apartment. And all my things are in America."
"Alright but as soon as you can buy an apartment. It'll be hard not being able to see you everyday."
"Ok. What time is—" I was cut off by the sound of the door knocking.
"I'm guessing it's time for you to leave."

Holly runs out of the room sliding across the floor and when she reaches the door she flings it open.
"I want her back in the apartment by midnight. For every 5 minutes you are late I get to tweet off your phone. Is that ok?"
"Good. Now go."

We walk out the Tower and get into Cals car, he hands me the AUX cable so I plug my phone in and let my music play on shuffle.

"Why are we listening to Disney music?"
"Leave Disney alone. That's the reason we met."
"True. But-"
"No buts. It's Disney songs. And that's final."

After around 5 more minutes of driving we pulled up to an arcade.
"An arcade?"
"Nope. Better." We walked in and pushed through the crowds of families in the arcade and got to a room at the back with a sign saying Mini Golf.

"How much do you remember?" I said laughing at the memory of us trying to play Mini Golf.
"I have a really good memory."
"Well then Callum Aaron McGinley. You can remember losing at this game of Mini Golf."
"It's on."


•~• Charli •~•

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