•~• Chapter 91 •~•

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I wasn't completely honest with you x

What do you mean? x

I said I was coming alone. After leaving the house I called Colleen. We've sorted things now so we're going through everything in the attic to try and find baby pictures then I'm  coming home x

That's fine. Ask her if she wants to come over and she can meet the twins. And don't worry about not being honest with me. It's your life, live it freely and fuck others opinions x

Thank you x
Do you want to take them for a picnic at the park when we get back?

Sure, I'll make some food and get them dressed  x

ok we won't be too long anyway x

"I think I've found something!" Colleen looks closely at the picture she just found before handing over to me. It was a picture of us on swings with mom pushing us both.
"Mom never let me look at the family photos. This must've been why."
"She kept it a secret from you. She made you believe I was an imaginary friend so it was easier to forget, as if it was a childhood phase." I walked over to another box and saw a diary sat on the top. I opened it up and looked at a few of the entries. It was moms. 
Flicking through the diary I saw the last entry.

July 13th.

The day before she died.

July 13th 2011
My daughter hates me.

I've ruined her life and after I thought I had finally gotten her back I'd lost her again. I'm such a shit mother. I didn't even get to tell her about Colleen. God knows whether she'll ever meet her but I have a feeling they'll find out sooner or later.

James came around. He started asking where Holly was because he needed her for something. God knows what. He had something in his hand which he kept fiddling with.  A jar. He was acting suspicious and was trying to do something. I probably shouldn't have ignored him because knowing him it was probably pills, or worse.

After he left I noticed that he'd left that jar on the coffee table. It was poison. Why did he have poison? The jar was empty though so I just threw it away and carried on with my day.

"Colleen... moms death wasn't suicide. It was murder."


yall need to remember you're all beautiful the way you are and no matter how hard life is on you right now it'll get better.

imma give you all a little story to prove it gets better :)
from the age of 10 to 13 I would go for a therapy session on Saturdays at 10:30am (it would always be the same every week because I would get stressed and panic about meeting at the wrong time and being late or too early), I had therapy because I had anorexia, really bad social anxiety and depression. my therapist (Karen) would always give me different ways to avoid harming myself but only two of them would work. Karen had told me "when you feel the scratching sensation on you arms and legs don't grab the blade, grab an ice cube. stick the cube where the sensation is and let the ice freeze your skin until the sensation is gone," and "write how you feel on a piece of paper and rip it into pieces, light a candle and slowly put each piece into the flame until it's all gone. say something to make you feel better and blow out the candle" (the last one doesn't work for many people but it's worth a try). please don't hurt yourselves. it ain't worth it. trust me, I've been clean for almost two years and I'm so glad I never went through with actually harming myself to the point where there would be no chances of me surviving because I've met some of the best people, irl and online.


•~• Charli •~•

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