•~• Chapter Thirty Eight •~•

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(Willows POV)

Me and the girls wanted to plan something for Will and Holly's engagement party but we couldn't decide.


Holly :
How would everyone like to plan the engagement party?


Yes of course!

This is going to be fun!


Starting to believe this probably wasn't my best idea.

Trust us. You won't regret it.

I walked out of the hotel room and meet with Molly before heading to Ellie and Josh's room. As we get to the door Chaz and Temi come walking round the corner. I knock on the door and an excited Ellie almost pulls the door off it's hinges and drags us in.
"Josh, get your fat ass out of this hotel room."
"Where will I be going?"
"My hotel room. Make Minizerk a thing."
"Minizerk will live on forever."
"Well then go and spend time with Simon or Minizerk won't last." I pushed josh out the room and turned round.
"Any ideas?"
"Not yet."
"Give me a few minutes."
"Please share."
"Do you remember Holly's prom dress?"
"Yes, vaguely"
"Well, my auntie works at the shop she brought it from and there is multiple different colours of it."
"That's amazing!"
"She has to wear the original mint one though."
"This is going to be fun."
"I know! I'm so excited!"
"Is it bad that I'm excited for Holly and Wills but mine and Tobis hasn't even crossed my mind yet?"
"Probably. It depends."
"Can you message your auntie about the dresses please Temi."
"Yes of course."
"We should ask Heidi to take pictures again."
"Does anyone other than Holly have her number?"
"I have."
"Thank God."
"Should we make another groupchat?"
"Yes, it'll be easier to plan it."

This is going to be fun.

(Heidi's POV)

I was sitting at my desk looking through the pictures when I heard my phone vibrating.

{Heidi is in bold, Leah is underlined}

Hey it's Leah.
Leah from the beach?
Yes that's me! Anyway, how would you like to be a photographer for the engagement parties?
Yes, Molly and Tobis will be a few days after we get back to England and Holly and Wills will be a week after that.
Oh, I was going to say yes but then you said it would be in England and I don't think I can make it. I'm sorry.
We'll pay for your tickets and you could stay in the spare bedroom in Holly and Wills flat.
Are you sure?
Of course! Loads of Holly and Wills fans loved the picture you took of them, we want the pictures to be amazing so we asked you.
Im not really that good.
Sure keep telling yourself that.
Alright, I will.
Anyway... are you in?
Yes I'm in.
Ok we'll add you to the group chat and you'll find out all the details.
Ok bye.
Bye see you soon.

[Call ended]

(Leah's POV)

"So that's our outfits and the photography done. What's next?"


•~• Charli •~•

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