•~• Chapter 85 •~•

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The door opened and Will walked in with a bottle of water and a slab of chocolate. He would do this everyday.  He placed them on the bedside table and sat on the end of the bed.
"We will get through this, no matter how long it takes. Everyone will be with you the whole journey. You are never alone." He was trying to stay strong. He was hiding his feelings so he could focus on me. I could see right through him. I could tell that he close to breaking down.

There was a knock at the door. Will went to go open the door and a few minutes later he returned, "The others are here. I'll explain to them now." He closed the door again and I listened to his footsteps as he made his way back into the living room.

Although I was on the opposite side of the apartment I could still here what Will was saying. "Before Holly woke up the doctor had said that there may be a chance of Holly wanting to go through this alone and will most likely go through selective mutism. They were right. She hasn't done nothing but cry since she woke up. We don't know how long it'll be until she speaks but hopefully it's sooner than later."

(Wills POV)

Over the past few months I've had time to reflect on what happened to the baby, I know how hard it is for Holly so I'm not expecting her to be back to how she was before straight away. I'd be surprised if it was to happen soon though.

Everyone was understanding of the situation and I'm glad to have them as friends. Hayley has got much closer with Holly, she would always be there to give extra advice because the midwife was hopeless. "Can I go speak to Holly please?" I look over to Hayley who had tears streaming down her face. "Of course, just be careful with what you're saying as it can trigger her depression easier." She smiled and made her way through to where Holly was.

(Holly's POV)

The door opened and Hayley walked in, taking a seat on the bed before she started talking.
"I know you're probably thinking that nobody understands the pain you're going through right now, but trust me, I've been through all this before and it ain't pretty. You will get through it. Hopefully that is sooner than later. I know how painful it is to lose a baby. I was pregnant with my exes baby before he started to abuse me. He started abusing me when I told him. He killed my baby and sent me into a coma. And for some stupid reason I blindly ran back to him. I went back to him as if none of the previous events had happened. As if he hadn't just murdered my. unborn child and sent me into a coma for 5 weeks. Just know that I'm here to talk about it when you're ready. Whenever that is.

Life is a rollercoaster, there's always going to be ups and downs take this event as one of the dips of the rollercoaster and slowly make your way back up the steep rail to the peak of the ride and live your life. And please, when you feel as though you want to get rid of the pain call one of us. Get rid of it by blocking it out. Not by harming yourself." I looked down at the bandages wrapped around my arms. The blood stained material was slowly threading and falling into pieces, revealing the newly opened wounds. She had clearly noticed them straight away. I need to recover them with fresh bandages sooner than later.

I got out the bed and walk into the bathroom, grabbing the bandages from out the cupboard.
"I'm going to go back out to the others. I'll see you soon Holly." I turn round and hug Hayley before returning to the bandages. It was nice to see someone else other than Will. I hadn't seen anyone since the day before I lost the baby, and that was 5 months ago.


•~• Charli •~•

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