•~• Chapter 53 •~•

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(JJ's POV)

"Neonatal Intensive Care Unit." I took a deep breath before stepping out Josh's car and walking towards the reception.
"Who are you here to see?" The receptionist seemed like a nice person.
"My son. He was brought in yesterday, after my girlfriend was in a car crash that killed her." I started crying near to the end.
"I'm sorry JJ, I saw it all."
"What's happened with the driver?"
"After the car crashed I called the ambulance and the police. I told the police what had happened and rushed here. I had finished my shift but I saw in videos how happy you both were about the pregnancy and had to make sure they were looked after properly."
"I'm assuming you're the fan who saw then."
"Yes. You can call me Hayley by the way, you'll be seeing a lot of me as I'm the baby's main doctor. Anyway, would you like to follow me."

We made our way down to the room and after Hayley explained will happen in the next three months.
"Only JJ can go in as he is their parent."
"That's alright. As long as JJ gets to see his son and name him we're fine."
"Come on then JJ."

We got to his bed and he looks so peaceful. Just lying there asleep unaware of what has happened.

I stood there in silence, watching his chest rise and fall with every small breath he took. I took a picture to add to Instagram later to show everyone that he was born.

After sitting there for a while longer I decided to go back home. I needed to sleep before going to Chaz's parents house tomorrow.

"Thank you again Hayley. For spending your own time on doing this."
"JJ, you guys have helped me through a lot. It's only best I repay you by doing this."

Walking out of the hospital Hayley passed me a piece of paper "whenever you aren't here and want updates message me." I hugged Hayley and walked out to the cars.

"I think I might make a video about all of this. The fans need to find out sooner or later. It's only best they find out soon."
"Do you want to do it alone or all together?"

I grabbed my phone out my pocket clicking onto Instagram and uploading the picture, briefly explaining what's happened.


•~• Charli •~•

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