•~• Chapter 52 •~•

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(Sam's POV)

I went to JJs room to use the lift and saw him sitting on his bed crying and muttering something but I couldn't hear him clearly.
"JJ? What's up?" I went over to JJ and rested a hand on his shoulder conforming him.
"It's Chaz."
"What's happened?"
"There was a drunk driver. They drove straight into her and she crashed. They said I need to go to the hospital straight away."
"Oh no. This is my fault. We should've just ordered the Nandos." I started ranting and getting angry at myself.
"Sam. Sam. SAM! It wasn't your fault. This was the drunk drivers fault and you can't blame yourself for any of this."
"But that's the thing JJ. I have to blame myself. This is my fault and now I'm going to struggle to see the others find out."
"Come with me to the hospital please. I'll tell the others when we find out the full story."
"Ok fine. But whatever it is just know that I'm sorry for agreeing to Nando's."
"Shh child. It's not your fault."

(JJ's POV)

We got to the hospital and went to the reception asking where we would find the doctor who's with Chaz.
"Olajide Olatunji?"
"That's me." The doctor motioned for me to follow him further down the corridor so he could speak to me separately.
"I'm sorry for your loss. We did everything we could but the paramedics were called to late."
"Wait. Loss? Which survived? Charli or the baby?"
"Your child has survived, although they have to stay in the hospital for the next three months until they are fully developed."
"Thank you. For saving my child."
"It's fine honestly Olajide. Do you want her belongings?"
He went into a room and returned with a bag of Chaz's belongings. I held them close to my chest and returned to Sam.
"Chaz is gone."
"The baby?"
"Alive but has to stay here for 3 months."
"Do we call the others or tell them at home?"
"At home. I need time to process it myself."
"JJ you cant drive. Not with your current state."
"Can you phone an Uber please."
"My phones at home."
"Shit. Same."
"Should we use Chaz's phone?"
"Ok. But I can't, you're going to have to."
"That's fine JJ."

I turned Chazs phone on and saw the message to JJ. I couldn't hold my tears back for much longer, she knew what was happening and although she wasn't ready she knew she had to leave.
I booked the Uber and put the phone back in the bag, not wanting to show JJ just yet.

We get back to the house and everyone was sitting around the table crying.
"Is Chaz gone?" Willow breaks the silence confusing me and JJ with how she knows.
"How do you know?"
"A fan who I follow messaged me on Twitter saying she saw the whole thing happen."
"Oh god. And yes, she's gone, the doctors have managed to save the baby but they have to stay in hospital for 3 months until they are fully developed and healthy."

After a few minutes of silence everyone's phone got a notification. We all grabbed our phone to see what it was. Shocked faces and gasps filled the room.


Goodbye guys. I love you all so much. Don't let JJ do anything stupid. If my baby someone survives. Keep them happy. Tell them your favourite memories of us together. Tell my viewers I love them and that I'm sorry that I'm not there for them for them anymore. Goodbye xx

"She knew what was happening."
"She wasn't supposed to go. She had a future. She was pregnant. She was going to be the best fucking mom ever. And that stupid fucking drunk driver killed her. He killed the best fucking part of my life and now I'm useless. There's no fucking point of me being here. I'm useless without Chaz and this baby is going to better off without me. You all are. I should leave the face of the Earth and not come back."
"JJ! Don't say that. We all love you for who you are and that will never change."
"Buts that what you aren't understanding! I was who I was because of Chaz! Without her I'm useless. She held me together and kept me going all these years. That's why I was going to propose." JJ ran out the room and up the stairs Holly following him, telling the rest of us to go get ready to see the baby.

(Holly's POV)

I followed JJ upstairs as I knew how he was feeling. I had felt the same way too many times to not know what to do. I got the others to go get them self ready to see the baby whilst I went to talk to JJ. I knocked on the door softly before opening it.
"JJ, I know how you're feeling. But it gets better, it always does."
"You don't know how I feel Holly. You're just saying that to try and make me feel better but it isn't working."
"JJ, you and the guys basically took all my friends away from me in school. I felt useless and worthless everyday. I always questioned why people became my friend just to end up hating me and joining you guys in bullying me. I've known Will since we were born and you became friends and he left me alone. I then became friends with some of the girls. Then they started dating the guys and guess what. They left me alone as well. My parents, the only people who I thought I needed in life got divorced. My dad left and my mom spent the rest of her life abusing me. Then my dad comes back and abuses me. And you think I don't know how you feel. I know how you feel JJ. I've felt like it for the past 8 years of my life."
"I'm sorry Holly. I know we've made your life shit and I am truly sorry. Thank you for listening to Chaz and stopping me doing something stupid. If you didn't come in my room when you did god knows what I would've done. I'm not thinking straight right now and I don't think I should be left alone at all." I pulled JJ up off the bed and told him about us going to the hospital because he has to be there for his child.

(JJ's POV)

I was so happy to have friends like these, we're more like a big family though. Just a lot less arguments and no incest.
"You ready?" I snapped out of my thoughts by Simon who was on his way down the stairs.
"Um... ye. Let's go."
"We're all here to help you Jide. We will get through this. One step at a time."
"Thanks Simon." I hug Simon and we make our way to the cars.

We drove to the hospital in a comfortable silence then we passed it. Chaz's car. It was still against the tree that she had hit. The door had been removed and inside all that could be seen was blood and glass.
"Shit." Nobody knew what to say. We all sat there staring. Hoping at one point it would disappear and everything will return to how it was before today. When Chaz was alive. When we were all happy.


•~• Charli •~•

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