•~• Chapter 65 •~•

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"Pregnant" Silence filled the house as everyone gathered together for another group hug.

Holly-Marie___ 🐥
I'm moving to America to live with Heidi after the funeral,video explaining soon xx

17k retweets 28,569 ❤️

Holly's Angels

Whatever happened/happens just know we will be here for you xx

We're always here no matter where you are x we'll miss you so much

Whatever it is I hope you're ok and we will be here whenever you need us x

Thank you all so much and the same goes to you x no matter the lack of sleep o get I will always be here to talk to you x at the party I have a present for you all as a goodbye and thank you gift. I promise we will meet again, and I can't wait for that day. Love you all xx

The funeral is tomorrow and everyone is watching the videos fans have made of Chaz. Most of the clips are from before I was friends with them so it was the first time watching but for some of the others it was bringing back memories.

I heard my phone ringing in the spare bedroom so I went upstairs to see who it was.


"What the hell do you want?"
"Well I was going to apologise, but with that attitude I guess not."
"Why? Why did you kiss Will?"
"To show you what it's like to feel unwanted."
"What do you mean unwanted?"
"Mom and dad always loved you more. I always felt left out of everything. When you originally died you were all mom and dad ever thought about. They never thought about their younger daughter. When I got took into care they still cared more about you."
"That isn't my fault. You know it isn't."
"I know. But I can't get back at mom because she's dead and your dad is also dead so it looks like I'm going to have to ruin your life and Wills as well."
"You've already ruined it enough. You have done what you wanted so you can leave."
"Why would I leave? You're going so I don't have to."
"I'm glad I'm leaving. I'm getting away from you." I put the phone down and went onto Twitter.

Holly-Marie_ 🐥
Life is a journey, not a race. Don't take shortcuts because you'll hurt the people around you. Live your life fully no matter how many shortcuts there is x

46k retweets 117k ❤️

Holly's Angels

Girls, I'm going to tell you something but you can't tell anyone else x

Ok, I promise not to tell anyone x

I promise too x

Sure, what is it? x

The reason I am moving to America is because Will and Colleen kissed.
After I uploaded the cover to my channel on the day we met I took CJ back to the Sidemen house and when I got back I heard her and Will talking about something. I walked towards the bedroom and as I passed I saw them in the office and she kissed him. I grabbed some clothes, my laptop and some other things I need and went back to the Sidemen house. I was talking to the others about it and Will knocked on the door and told me she said something about revenge. She called me a few minutes before I tweeted saying it was because she had the worst life. She kept trying to tell me that it was my fault that she was put into care but it wasn't. Our mom couldn't look after both of us because I had fell out a tree and was in a really bad condition. She wanted to get revenge on our mom and my dad but they were both dead. So she could only get revenge through me and Will. She knew that making us break up would be the worst thing to do.  Because I'm pregnant and she was the only one who knew.

That's horrible. Sorry for your loss as well x

Sister of the year she is 🙄 congratulations on your pregnancy though x

Try to forget about them. obviously we are going to be here with you no matter what you do or where you are x

Holly-Marie__ 🐥
The girls in Holly's Angels are the sweetest people I have ever met and I'm so glad I know them x

13k retweets 24.5k ❤️

I looked through my messages and saw I had a new message.

Talia Mar
I've saw a few of your covers and was wondering whether you wanted to collab whilst in America?

That would be amazing! I'll message you when I'm in America and we can sort out a date

"Holly!" I walked out of the room and looked over the stairs.
"We're going out for some dinner, you coming?"
"I've already ate. Thank you though."
"Ok, don't do anything stupid, we'll be back soon!"
"Bye! Love you!"

As they all left I went back into the bedroom and was listening to Only One and making sure I knew the words for tomorrow.

An hour and half later everyone was back home and a few of he girls came up to me.
"Heyyyyyyy" the all walked into the room and sat down on the bed or the beanbags so I sat on the chair.
"Hola amigos"
"Not the Spanish again"
"Yes the Spanish again."
"Fine. I won't use the Spanish again. But I need you all to do something for me."
"Sure. What is it?"
"Stay friends with Will, I know none of this was his doing so don't put the blame on him. Act like nothing happened. Then when I'm in America, pretend me and Will we're never together. I don't want my sister to win. Because she wants to ruin mine and Wills lives. You guys are what matters most to me and Will so if you all hate Will then she will be winning."
"It's going to be hard but we will try to act like nothing happened."
"Thank you all so much. You've made this past year the best it could ever be and I'm going to miss you all so much when I leave next week." We all joined together in a group hug.
"We will be visiting as often as possible. It won't be the same without you." I broke out of the hug before I start to get upset and cry.
"Can you tell the boys what I told you about Will. I'm going to get some sleep. Tomorrow is a big day."


Let's just pretend Talia lives in America for a while 🙃

•~• Charli •~•

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