•~• CHAPTER 50 •~•

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(Stephen's POV)

We were all embraced in a giant group hug when the thing I have waited five months for finally happened.

"Sam!" I rushed over to Sam and grabbed her hand. Tears falling down everyone's face.

Almost on queue doctors rushed into the room and asked everyone to leave. I get up to leave but Sams grip gets tighter and I pointed it out to the doctor and they allowed me to stay.

The doctors left 10 minutes later allowing everyone to return.
"Hey guys" Sam tried to lift herself up and rest her weight on her forearms.
"Sam, you don't have enough strength to stay like that. The doctors said you have to lie down straight or sit up leaning on your pillow because it could break your elbows."
"Ugh. What happened?"
"On Temis Birthday we were playing hide and seek for a video and after finding Stephen you were walking up the stairs and went dizzy. You lost your balance and fell down the stairs, hitting your head and causing bleeding to the brain." Molly replied, getting upset remembering the day so we'll.
"OMG. Guys, I'm so sorry for this. I should've told you all I felt dizzy the whole day."
"It's fine honestly."
"How long was I out for?"
"Five months." Sam was shocked she had been out for so long and missed so much.
"Wait. Jj, your boxing match. Who won?"
"I postponed it until you were awake."
"I'm so sorry Jide"
"It's fine. As long as you are safe and healthy."
"How long until I can go home?"
"The doctor said next week."
"Good because I need to buy your Christmas presents."
"Chicken, you waking up is the only present we need."
"Awww Chaz. Guess you still say chicken then."
"Why would I stop?"
"Good point."

*1 week later*

(Sam's POV)

I just woke up and realised I finally get to go home today and although I was healthy I was still in a lot of pain.
"Good morning Samantha, Stephen left a few minutes ago to get some clean clothes for you." I didn't even realise he had gone.
"Ok thank you Doctor."

After 15 minutes of waiting Stephen walked through the door.
"Can I have my clothes already? I'm getting sick of this room" I joked as Ste handed me the clothes.
"The doctors said you'll need crutches for the next few weeks until you have your full body strength back."

Ugh. I've had enough of crutches.

We stood at the entrance for a few minutes waiting for Chaz to arrive and take us back to the Sidemen house.

We saw the black Tesla speed round the car park and got up off the bench, slowly making our way to the doors.
"I'm am your Uber driver for today. Where would you like to go?"
"Your house please"
"My house it is."

After 3 minutes of near death experiences (a/n yes I did use the exact time to their closest hospital.) we arrived at the Sidemen house.
"That will be £6 please"
"Sorry hun. I don't have any money on me right now." I kiss Chaz's cheek before opening the car door and getting out. 
"Ste, that will be £6."
"Nope. Sorry."
"Remember who opens up your door."
"Ugh. Fine." Stephen got £6 out his pocket and tapped Chaz on the head.
"Thank you. Now, get out the car." Chaz opened up Ste's door and he got out and walked over to the door and opened it, then turning round to help me.
"Hey guys!" Everyone turned to see me leaning against the door frame there was a mix of hellos and sorry.
"Why are you saying sorry?"
"You had to spend 3 minutes in a car with Chaz driving."
"Um excuse me?!"
"I think your driving was fabulous darling."
"You sound like a 50 year old woman. Please don't use darling again."
"Ok. How about chi-"
"Don't you dare finish that word."
"Wow, I'm glad to be back."


•~• Charli •~•

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