•~• Chapter Thirty Two •~•

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(Holly-Marie's POV)

As the plane began I remembered I didn't like heights. I looked around to see everyone either in conversation or listening to music. I relaxed back into my seat but made the mistake of looking out the window. I saw how high we were getting and I stopped breathing.

"Holly. Holly. Holly! Breathe!" I tried to breathe but my eyes kept getting drawn back to the window.

(Wills POV)

"Guys. She's trying to stop breathing."
"What do you mean she's trying to stop breathing?"
"She's trying to hypo-ventilate. She used to do it all the time after she fell out the tree."
"How did you stop her?!" Everyone was now panicking.
"She needs to stop looking out the window before I can start calming her down."

"Holly, I need you to stop looking out of the window. I know that we are high but nothing is going to happen to you. Or to anyone else. Calm down. Please." I remembered having to do this two years after the accident, our parents were asleep on the plane and I didn't want to scare them so I kept her as calm as possible and helped her when she was having an attack.

(Holly-Marie's POV)

After Will started speaking to me I found it easier to draw my attention away from the window.
"...Calm down. Please." I had pulled the blind down and started to steady my breathing.
"You remembered how to help me through them."
"I was the only one who knew about them, we kept it a secret from our parents for years. I couldn't forget that easily, it was our biggest secret."
"I'm sorry."
"What for?"
"Causing you all this stress and panic because of a stupid thing that happened years ago."
"Don't ever apologise again. You dying was not a stupid thing, and if you think it was you need to think again. If you had actually died I don't not what I would've done knowing that it was my fault as I persuaded you to climb the tree and didn't even do it myself. I love you so much and I want to spend the rest of my life with you."
"I love you Will,"
"I love you too."

"Alright lovebirds we get it."
"Really Jj?"
"Yep. You sounded like you were about to propose."
"Does it look like I have the space to get down on one knee and propose right now?"
"So you would've proposed if we weren't on the plane?"
"Most likely. I mean it is still arranged but we could persuade my mom to call it off and then I propose and we get married."
"That sounds like a great idea."
"I know. That's why I said it."
"I will look out the window again if you think you're funny."
"You wouldn't."
"You're right I won't."

We talked and watched films for most of the flight and didn't sleep as we had worked out that when we get there it'll be late so we can sleep when we get there.

"Guys", me and Will had the fun of waking everyone up, for most of them it was easy but Jj and Chaz were a problem.
"Chaz. Jj. Chaz. Jj. Chaz. Jj",
"I don't think that's going to work Will."
"No shit Sherlock."
"I just thought you'd need a bit of reassurance."
"Well do you have a way of getting them up."
"Actually, I do." I moved Will over so he wouldn't get hit when Jj and Chaz wake up.
"I'll buy food for whoever gets off this plane first." Chaz and Jj shut up and darted for the exit.
"You've been friends with these guys for a couple of weeks you can already do something nobody else can."
"It's pretty easy."
"No need to brag about it."
"Come on bub."
"Shut up dork."


•~• Charli •~•

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