•~• Chapter 73 •~•

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"I was looking after CJ the whole day and when I took him back to the house everyone was there except Colleen. Nobody knew where she was but I thought nothing of it because she was probably just shopping or something. But then when I got back to mine and Wills apartment and I heard Will talking to someone. At first I couldn't tell who it was but as soon as I got closer I could tell it was Colleen. She was laughing about something then the laughing stopped. I walked past the room they were in not thinking anything about it and saw they were kissing. I wanted to walk in to the room they were in but I couldn't. I went to the spare bedroom which had some of my things in and grabbed anything I would've needed and left the apartment. As I got to the lift I called you and that's when I asked about staying here for a while. I explain the whole pregnancy part after this.

I went back to the Sidemen house and everyone was confused because I had only just left half an hour ago. I explained to everyone that I had to leave London for a while to clear my head and that Will had kissed Colleen. They got upset and started to try and persuade me to stay but I just got more upset because I had to leave. I wasn't that upset that he kissed Colleen. There was three reasons as to why I was upset. The first reason was that when my mom had died the only people left at that point that I had ever considered family's was Will and his mom. And now that they're no longer in my life. I have nobody to link to my life before being friends with the others. The second reason has a bit of a back story that I'll explain before starting. My mom has made a deal with Wills mom that we would have an arranged marriage. Me and Will were as close as brother and sister until he met the others. They used to bully me through school. And I found out the reason for it being that Will liked me but they didn't want Will to be in a relationship like the one he was in before. After changing personalities at prom they came over to me and spilled punch over my dress. I got upset and grabbed the bowl. Throwing it on the floor into thousands of pieces. A grabbed a big enough shard of glass and dragged it through my skin, then I fell to the ground and started to die from blood loss. I was in hospital and I when I woke up Will was in the room. He told me about the deal because my mother hadn't. I got angry and he offered to let me stay in the spare room in his flat until I was ready to go home. . When I needed to go home for some clothes Will went with me and whilst we were in the elevator he asked me out. I had said yes and I thought that day would've been good. But then I got home and saw my mother lying on the living room floor lifeless. I blamed it on myself immediately because she was drowning her sorrows of me not being there in alcohol. But since then  I promised my mom I would go along with the marriage because when I argued with her about it she was constantly apologising. The second reason was me breaking my final promise with my mother. The reason that affects me most is the fact that I'm carrying his baby." I wipe away the tears and Heidi immediately pulls me into a hug.
"It's going to be ok. When you next see Will you could sort things out and hear the full story from him then tell him about you being pregnant." She ran her hand through my hair to calm me down. I could only think negatively. I need to think about the positive side of everything.
"But what if he doesn't want to have a baby at this age?" I burst into fits of tears and struggled to breath.
"Babe, that's not going to happen. That day on the beach wen he proposed, everyone knew that you were soulmates. Even if they had never saw you before. Like me for example. I took the photos of you because you were both clearly in love. Think of it like a fairy tale. Colleens the evil stepsister trying to ruin your life because yours will always be better then hers no matter how hard she tries. You get married to your Prince Charming and live happily ever after. You're basically Cinderella." Where would I be right now without Heidi?
"Thank you so much Heidi. You don't know how much that means to me." I hug her tightly before pulling my blanket back up to my shoulders.
"Go to bed. Today's been a long day and you need to sleep more than the four hours this afternoon." She steps up off he sofa and grabs our mugs. Placing them in the sink ready to wash up.
"Alright. And Heidi! Before I forget to say this. Thank you again. You don't understand what this means to me." I hug her before making my up to my bedroom. Almost instantly falling asleep as my head hits the pillow.


•~• Charli •~•

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