•~• Chapter Twenty One •~•

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(Holly-Marie's POV)

I was sat waiting outside of the apartment for the girls for about 10 minutes until a black van pulls up.
"Hey. Get in".
"What? No!" Two men got out of the car and dragged me into it. I was kicking and screaming until they had our tape over my mouth.
"Hey princess". I looked over to see him again. I starting shaking my head and pinching myself thinking it was a dream. But it wasn't. It was reality.
"You need to come with me". Straight away I started to shake my head again.
"Well, technically, you have to. For another year. So it looks like you have no other option". He ripped the tape off my mouth without caring about causing his daughter pain, again.
"Why do I need to come with you? I'm perfectly fine with how my life is right now".
"It's obvious that you aren't happy. You've got fresh cuts Hol". I looked at my arm to see the cuts from previously in the week.
"Would you be happy if you found out your mom died because she was worried about you? Of course you wouldn't. I should've went back home. Not to Wills. Then none of this would've happened". I managed to pull my arms out of the men's grip and luckily remembered all the things I had been taught in self-defence lessons.

I had knocked all the guys out and it was just me and my dad who were still conscious.
"Goodbye dad".
I got out of the van and saw the girls sitting on the bench.
"Hey, where were you?"
"Oh. Just dealing with a few things".
"Should we get going?"
"Yes hold on I just need to make a quick call". I walk away from the girls and other to by a tree so I can see the licence plate of the black van.
"Hello police please".
"Hello, Stratford Police. What's your emergency?" It was the woman who came to the park the first time he returned.
"Hello it's Holly-Marie. The girl from the park a few weeks ago. You came for my dad and after knocking me unconscious he ran. I know where he is".
"How do you know where he is?"
"Because he's just threatened me. I hade the license plate of the van he was in". 
"Ok can you state the plates digits please". 
"EA07 ZZM. It's a black van".
"Thank you Holly". 
"Ok bye".

I walk back over to the girls really happy and excited.
"I know Nando's is exciting but what are you so happy about?"
"Just Nando's and Vegas".
"We're all excited for them both, but do you see any of us looking like we're about to explode?"
"Nope. But why are we standing and talking when we could we sitting and talking in Nando's?"
"Good point. And nice reference to the Kissing Booth". Ok I'm glad I'm not the one with an addiction to it.
"Huh. I heard Kissing Booth. What are we talking about?!" Ok so that's me, Willow and Chaz who love it.


•~• Charli •~•

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